I’ll occasionally be reading along and run into something like this, where I see that this thread started somewhere else, and a mod has moved it. This is great, and of course, on a well-moderated board like this one, it’ll happen often.
But the OP’s choice of what forum to start his thread on makes a statement as well, and that statement is lost when the mod moves it. (See post #13here for someone who seems to feel the same way, to some [joking] extent.) For example, if you see a goofy question that a mod has moved into IMHO, you can’t really tell if the OP is looking for brief but serious answers (perhaps it came from GQ), for silly answers (from MPSIMS), or to start a serious discussion (from GD).
So I propose that any time a mod moves a thread, s/he tacks on a note of where the thread originated. It could be as simple as a little line at the end of the post like so…
I realize the “problem” is a small one, but the “solution” is even smaller, so why not? Really, is there some reason the mods shouldn’t do this?
Some mods work in multiple forums (SkipMagic, Rico, and possibly others?) - and I believe it’s not uncommon for mods from one forum to step in on another forum if none of that forum’s mods are online. (ack! syntax!)
Some people don’t pay attention to which mods patrol which forums. (I fit this category.) And newer members certainly shouldn’t be expected to know this.
Like I said: not an Earth-shattering problem, but a very easy fix.
When moving threads, I always sign my post as “General Questions Moderator” so it’s pretty obvious. However, if I were moving something from another forum I would probably try to mention where it came from.
I usually say something like, “This isn’t about arts/entertainment, so I’m moving it…” and I figure y’all can figure out the forum it’s coming from… but we’ll try to be more explicit in future. Good idea.
Maybe too many are moved. I think sometimes the desire is just to help out the Cafe, which people forget is there, but if it’s sort of a toss up they should stay where they were placed.