I quit

what is the image tag for smokers?


you won’t escape this lovely smoke that easy.

Well, I’ve made it through most of the day, and it’s not been so bad, yet. I spent some time at the mall, and went for a long walk this afternoon, even though it was raining and getting colder.

Now, I’m going to go pack for my business trip this week, and continue to not think about cigarettes. :slight_smile:
and to share…

Time since quitting: 16 hours, 15 minutes and 25 seconds. 20 cigarettes not smoked, saving $3.15. Life saved: 1 hour, 40 minutes.
(sure adds up quick, doesn’t it?)

Argh. I have been cleaning house like Martha Stewart with a rabid wombat up her butt. The dogs got a loooong walk. my head hurts. I’m constipated. My jaws hurt from chewing altoids & plastic straws. I can’t think straight. Tomorrow will be worse.

Gawd I just fucking love quitting smoking.

Lsura and Carina42, good for you! I’ll be rooting for ya’!!

I quit, almost unintentionally, about four months ago. I got a cold from hell, and smoking was more pain than pleasure and after I got over the cravings (which I hardly noticed, in my fever-induced state of mind) there just wasn’t much point in starting again.

You can do it!

I’m rooting for you guys!! I quit for 9 months, and now I’m “having one every once in a while” - i.e., I’m smoking again. There are so many, many advantages to not smoking; I hope you do better than I’ve done lately.

I quit on NewYearsEve '99-'00, my brother and I made a pact but only I followed through :mad: …

Cold turkey, no group or chemical supported my decision. For me it was hardest when driving home from work - patterns are amazing that way.

All I can say is, making the personal decision is 50%, from there it’s all up to how stubbornly you stick to it. For me, I just made up my mind, and when the inevitable urge came up I recognized it and denied it any power over me. Haven’t had the urge to smoke (nicotine;)) in over a year.

Know thy self, and good luck!

A friend of mine once opined that quitting smoking was easy… he’d done it hundreds of times…

Seriously, though, I applaud anyone who’s trying to quit. Just remember to avoid the BIG pitfalls: stress, drinking (especially in bars!), sex… :slight_smile:

Good luck, and stick to your guns!

I am NOT giving up sex.

*Originally posted by Carina42 *

[grumble]yeah, I don’t have to worry about that. It’s not like I’m getting any anyway. [/grumble]

Stick with it,Lsura!! It can be done. I haven’t had a smoke in over 11 years.

I’ll give you my standard advice. It’s simple, but helpful.

  1. Stay active. Get some exercise and keep your hands busy.
  2. Eat whatever you feel you need to. Don’t worry about it.
  3. Talk about the feelings you’re going through. Keep a journal and write in it daily. Note times and situations that cravings occur.
  4. Remember that it’s one day at a time. Tell yourself ‘I’m not going to smoke today’!

My E-mail is in my profile.
Good luck!!!

Good luck, Lsura. My stepfather managed to quit after 30 years; I’m sure it won’t take you as long. Let me know if you need someone to come over and snap the rubber band on your wrist.

Rent Trainspotting and watch the scene where Renton tries to kick heroin. Maybe you’ll see something you can use.

I try to make a point of posting to these threads because I think it’s important, but I don’t have time for my usual rant…errr, advice, so I’ll just say, “Be strong, we’re all pulling for you!” and leave it at that.

You’ve got a pretty good support group here, if you need anything, just ask.

Keep it up, I quit about 5 years ago after 13 years of smoking, I was at up to at least a pack a day for the last several years.

I’m not really sure what exactly changed, but the switch in my head flipped and I just don’t do it any more. If you have a craving, go for a walk, or clean your house. I took up tatting which is a form of lacemaking that takes two hands, so they were always busy. I also picked up my old Rubik’s Cube and got my solve time down to 90 seconds. It sounds silly, but it completely distracted me from the cravings to concentrate on that stuff, and it kept both hands busy for hours.

Good luck!

Hey Lsura and Carina!!!

How you two doin?
keeep talking to us…

If you get crabby, I cordially invite you to start a pit thread about me- ok, this is a shameless attempt to garner what I consider a great achievement, but really, I’m pullin for yez both, sooo hard!

Whoo-hoo!!! How are you two doing?

I quit two years ago after being nagged for a while before that. I just tapered down to the point where I was smoking 4 cigarettes a day – hardly enough to bother with.

The downside is I gained a LOT of weight, but that’s coming off (slowly).

The upside is that I’m now more tolerable to be around because I don’t smell like smoke. I don’t have to plan my day around smoke breaks, and I don’t have to worry about getting more cigarettes. (In Minnesota, cigarettes are >4.00 a pack in some places because of the tobacco settlement.) The future payoffs include less risk of respiratory disease, heart disease, vascular disease and cancer, not to mention less problems for my husband and kids (should I ever have any).

Keep it up and e-mail if you need support!


About 9 am I felt like live wires were connecting all my muscles together & I rushed to the nearest 7-11 & bought a pack. [sub]I am worthless slime.[/sub]

Power-smoked six of them, got disgusted with my bad self, threw the rest down the toilet. Ate almost a tin of Altoids. Haven’t smoked since. Did not eat a thing except Altoids for 10 hours. argh.

If Lsura has been a saint & not smoked I’m going to pinch her head off. Then smoke it. :smiley:

::rubbin her neck, and other parts, generally getting that diaphanous, silly, nothing, worthless slime off’n her, to reveal the pretty, pretty, faaabulous her underneath, rub her feetsies, and suck her toes…::
also, dear, eat the mints, not the tin.

I know.

It’s hard for you right now…:wink:

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thanks inor.

My resolve is a bit stronger today!

::licking Altoid tin:: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I’ve made it to day 3 with no cigarettes. It helps that I’m on the road for work, with someone else doing the driving. No convenience stores are within walking distance, or I probably would have bought some yesterday, honestly.

As it stands, it’s getting a bit easier. Instead of the insane need for a smoke that I had yesterday and Sunday, I have a low level craving that is constant. It didn’t help that I couldn’t get onto the boards at all yesterday, or this morning, or until about 5 minutes ago.

Thanks for all your good thoughts/prayers/support y’all.

Carina-so you slipped. No big stress. You turned around and threw them out, which is more than I would do if I bought a pack. Those suckers would be gone. But, even though I want one, I don’t want to have to go through the last 3 days again.

My current stats:

Time since quitting: Two days, 21 hours, 15 minutes and 30 seconds. 86 cigarettes not smoked, saving $13.42. Life saved: 7 hours, 10 minutes.


Yay! Congrats Lsura, keep up the good work!