I ran a marathon at last

It’s been on my To Do list for decades and I finally made it a reality this weekend.

At the Rock 'n Roll Marathon in San Diego last Sunday, I finished in 4:00:23.

OK, nearly 3000 people crossed the line ahead of me and I was totally beat when I finished, but I was still running at the end and I have no visible injuries, so I count it as a success.

Bad ass. Congratulations!

Most people can’t even walk that far.

You’re awesome! Congrats.

My wife was a marathoner in earlier years, so I know how hard it is.

I am in awe. Next year I will ride a century, but run a marathon? Fugetaboutit.

I did New York in '97. That was a total blast. I loved the training and I loved running the marathon.

I’ve ridden centuries. I’d rather ride two back to back than run a marathon.

Mad props sishoch!

Oh, and congratulations. It is a heck of an achievement (obviously, I’m still blabbing about mine).

4:00 ain’t too shabby either. . .

(For the OP, ONLY)

. . .even if the RnR marathon is all down hill, but your secret is safe with me. :wink:

Trunk, IT IS NOT!!