I really don't want to die here.

Thank you PatriotGrrrl, that is very helpful. It does seem like a very viable option.

I haven’t looked on Craigslist for cheap housing, I will get on that. Where I live now I pay 655 a month, but that covers all utilities and cable. I have been spending 50 a month on DSL.

I need to follow-up on social services though.

Thank you TruCelt for the jobs advice, and especially for the link. I will look through it for some needed help.

I don’t think I have tried Artificial Tears yet. It is on my shopping list now.

Thank you all for your input. I have some directions to follow now! :slight_smile:

Ohio definitely will have some sort of food and housing assistance programs, as well as libraries and community colleges for you to use internet if things get dire, and shelters that you can use (and an address to receive your mail for important documents) or set up a P.O. Box. If it came down to it, you could definitely use your Mazda Tribute as a means to sleep/stay out of the elements, just while you are looking for assistance. I doubt it should get that far, you seem like an intelligent person and resourceful enough to find 655 all inclusive rent! We should be so lucky elsewhere lol. I’m sure you will be okay, DON’T GIVE UP HOPE. In this meantime, I did a little research to at least make it a bit easier on you, given the stress of your situation, follow this link;

Office of Family Stability | Office of Family Assistance | Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
(Job and Family services)

It has all of the forms and information you need to be assigned a caseworker that will find you food, housing, employment, medical and other assistance. From reading a little bit it seems as though there is a job training program too. You can drop the form off at any JFS facility. Here’s info for one located in Columbus;

Northland Opportunity Center - Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services

but there are also many others in and around your area.

Best of luck! I’m sure you will do just fine!

More job advice:

If you have any skills you can use on a computer, even text editing, copy writing, data entry, etc. there are plenty of one-off jobs available.

Try Freelancer.com

It’s a reputable site, with thousands of projects listed. You can bid on jobs, and they have a good escrow system to ensure that you get paid.

Look at their categories for

[li]Writing and Content[/li][li]Data Entry & Admin[/li][li]… any other skills you have.[/li][/ul]
Browse through the projects and see if anything looks suitable.

Thank you for the links anomalous1, they look very helpful.

Thank you GreenWyvern, I will definately sign-up there and see if I can find some work-at-home jobs!

See if there’s a social worker at your local senior resource center?

Or through your adult protective services?

I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of you.

For your SSDI claim:

Tell your worker /rep/claim person politely that you are going to call your congressman.

Then call your congressman and tell them what’s going on.

If s/he helps like they are supposed to, tell everyone you know to vote for them.

(Last step is optional, but a good thing)

Call and keep calling. The folks at the SSDI office have the power to put your app on the top of the stack. Theres still red tape but they can expidite.

You aren’t alone in this.

One free option is to pick up your mail at the Post Office. It can get delivered to:
Your Name,
General Delivery
Town, state zip

Obvs not the best looking for a job seeker but it"s no cost and it works.

Hawaii is really cracking down on homeless people lately including destroying the homeless encampments. Evidently there’s more homeless per capita in Hawaii than any other state and Honolulu has a big problem with it.

color and size change is mine to direct your attention to what caught my attention the most Long Time. (and also make it easier to read, the default type on quotes is terrible)
What kind of warehouse did you work in? Was it cold storage, commercial/light industrial/industrial warehousing, household goods, retail storage? What did you do in the warehouse? Did you drive or ever get certified to drive fork lifts? If so, what type or types of forklift? Warehouse Management is a real, in demand skill set with many aspects that are translatable to other jobs if it is simply not possible for you to continue working in that setting.

Thank you LOTF, I don’t know of any senior resource center’s, but I will Google that and adult protective services too.

Thank you again LOTF, I will get in contact with Disability Justice (the people processing my claim) and tell them that.

Many more thanks LOTF, I did not know that you could do that. That is useful information.

Commercial/light industrial. We processed online orders for Medical Supplies. I started out packing and was also trained in picking. I have been certified in the past on a forklift, but I am a terrible operator. I lost large loads of glass product twice when I worked at Anchor Hocking. I see a lot of warehouse jobs in Columbus, but I can’t lift 50 pounds anymore and that is a requirement in almost all of those listings. I also can’t stand or walk all day anymore. I really do appreciate your input guestchaz, I still follow the warehouse postings around my area, but my lack of physicallity limits me alot.

I would seriously consider trying to drive to someplace warmer… S. California, Arizona etc. Unless you can stay in your home through the winter. Living out of your car in Ohio is not really an option.

Ah, and yeah, I understand about the physical part, there are four warehouses where I work(a small moving company), one is commercial/light industrial.
Whew medical supplies, yeah, I deal with some of that in my job too. Some of that stuff is no joke to move around either from a physical weight/size standpoint or cost to replace if broken point of view.

I can’t help but think there must be something in your work experience that would help you get a job regardless of your physical difficulties and back on your feet financially or at least to a place where you can start getting the medical issues addressed properly.

Say, Have you tried one of the national logistics companies such as Titan or AJ Logistics or Direct Supply or the like (there are several more) These companies handle logistics for construction and furniture supply. We warehouse for the three I named plus several more. I wonder if you could get a job doing that with your warehouse work background? Kinda go over to the other side as it were. Its all remote, desk work, data input, receive requests from the jobsite and submit the orders to the warehouse for delivery. Communication with customers, suppliers and warehouse personnel is done via phone, text and email, plus there is some interfacing of computer systems between at least some of the companies.

Titan, I believe is in Evansville Indiana, and I think a couple are in Ft. Wayne, but I don’t know for sure if or which ones. You could probably even telecommute since its all remote work anyway.