I really hate big paper clips

Something to do with the variety clips you hate - all tastes catered to.

I, for one, welcome our new wire-hanger overlords.

Huzzah! I agree! Too long has this subject been an undiscussable! Too long have we gingerly walked around this rotting rhino under the carpet! Too long have we been avoiders, now let’s attack! ATTACK!

I, for one, like 'em both. Binder clips have their purpose. As do paper clips. But paper clips are much more able to work out their karma in this sick sad world, one that is filled with assine office policies, if they are colored. And, if you ever see a GOLDEN paper clip, bow down people, bow down, and weep with gratitude. For your rocky life path has led you to the truly evolved paper clip, shining out its perfectly aligned chakras/spirit/dialogic abilities (http://www.colorado.edu/conflict/peace/!treating_overlays.htm) for all to see!


I am willing to try to like the colored ones with the plasticy latexy coating, except they come in such betsy-wetsy colors. Pink! Kelly green! White! What is this, a fucking cheerleading squad? How about some nice autumn colors, or a range of cool blues and charcoal grays? How about a little subtlety and class? Or is that too much to ask, Mr. Maker Of Paper Clips With The Plasticy Latexy Coatings?

Happy Clam Clip?

Is this the name of a beauty salon where you get a Brazilian?


I wish they would buy us the black bulldog clips…
They already make us bring in our own pens.

Flip with “wings” back. Place clip on sturdy table. Leave stack of paper with corner to be clipped nearest the clip. Place the heel of your hand on the clip and lean all of your tiny body weight onto the clip. With other hand stuff papers into “mouth” of clip. Remove weight from clip. Resolve to go to the gym more often in the future.

A friend of mine, who looks like a delicate little girlie but is actually a strength-gymnast was once confronted by a annoying man who smarmily offered to clip the papers for her. She pulled the wings back on the binder clip (one of the big ones) and snapped it in half with one hand. He left her alone after that. Heh.

>the hangers… merge and form a shopping trolley

In American they turn into bicycle frames.

Maybe in England a bicycle is called a trolly :slight_smile:

Since therapy is costly, and would inevitably be lonely, howzabout a 12 step program? You could go and just observe first, maybe bring along your absolute favorite for courage. Then, when you’re good and ready, make the leap by standing up and shouting your problem to the world! And there’s always donuts and nifty little containers for the friends that you do keep.

Seriously, we need more people like you. Do not let your voice be silenced. Health is just around the corner for you and aluminum alike.

~faithfool, BIG paper clip reformed for 18 years, 4 months, 3 days, 20 hours (and proud!)

I can’t stand those fold-down clip thingies! I always feel like they’re going to come off. And they’re so big. Give me the big paper clips any day! And the plastic-coated ones are good because then they don’t rust and leave a rusty print on your paper

Sproing! Oh, I haven’t played sproing in forever. We were hooked on that for a good month in middle school - or was it ninth grade? The teacher hated it.

The big paperclips are pretty good for that, though, because they have more tension which results in a higher sproing. Also, they’re quite a bit easier to bend.

Thanks for making me laugh today

Somebody’s been reading too much Pratchett (from Reaper Man, right?)

Yes, shopping carts here are quite capable of reproducing on their own. At least, that’s my assumption, seeing as how they always seem to be getting it on when they’re not in service. I almost feel guilty pulling one away from what is undoubtedly a good time.

They must really be into gang-bangs, too.

This really changes the way I look at the stupid carts that I can’t pry apart. :eek: