I Really, Truly, Actually, For Realzies had a Prescient Dream! (Sort of)

Early this week (pretty sure it was Sunday or Monday night) I dreamed that I learned somehow that Sea World was closing. This was heartbreaking news to me; I haven’t been to Sea World in almost 20 years, and I haven’t gotten to ride the Kraken, or see Discovery Cove, etc. etc. etc. Later on in my dream it came out that it was the St. Louis Sea World that was closing (there is no Sea World in St. Louis, btw), so I could still go to the Orlando or San Diego ones whenever.

The next day (Monday or Tuesday) I was talking to Mammahomie, and she told me some sad news: the founder of Citymuseum in St. Louis had died. :eek:

Citymuseum is one of St. Louis’ major attractions (although it’s hardly on par with Sea World; let’s not kid ourselves), and its owner dying doesn’t necessarily indicate that the attraction is closing (indeed, its website seems to indicate that it’s going to stay open). But still, it’s totally weird that I would dream about something bad happening to a tourist attraction in St. Louis, and something bad happens to a tourist attraction in St. Louis! :eek:

This is incredible. Can you tell me if the LA Lakers will win the World Series?

Uh, you do realize that the Lakers moved to Concord, Maine a few years ago and that they play team tennis, not baseball, right?


I didn’t know that. So will the Concord Lakers win the World Series?

God willing. Only if they move the World Series into the WTA, like I have wanted for years.

Can you dream whether I should eat wheaties or a banana for breakfast tomorrow?