Sorry, I know there are much worse troubles out there, and for those of you who are looking for money to eat for the next two weeks or have dying friends, my sincerest apologies for taking up Doper time.
But damn, this thing hurts! I fell down the stairs last night and heard the “pop” as I landed. No break, but significant ligament tears. (Thank you, orthopedic assessment class for making a $200 doctor visit unneccesary.) I’m such a weenie; I haven’t had a bad injury before. The only real pain I’ve had to deal with is childbirth and the occasional migraine. And men - you now have an answer - childbirth ain’t as bad as a Level III sprained ankle. Women get no more bitchin’ rights in my book. (Sorry ladies, I can’t lie for us any longer!)
I just hope it heals soon. I feel like a princess trapped in a tower stuck in my third floor apartment with no elevator. And I have to stand up in a wedding in a month. Right now, my ankle matches that lovely purple matron of honor dress I’m supposed to wear. Won’t that be a fetching ensemble?
OK, time for more ice. Thanks for listening to me moan.
WhyNot, I’m sorry you’re in pain, and I hope you feel better soon! But in the meantime, didn’t you get any decent pain killers? I’m not even necessarily talking about the heavy-duty stuff, but what about hydrocodone or something? If you need to go with OTC, naproxen sodium is the best thing I’ve found (brand name Aleve, but the generic is so much cheaper!).
Well, I don’t want to go to the doctor, so prescription meds are out, and there’s a possibility that I may be pregnant (I’m taking the test this weekend), so ibuprofen’s it for me. Naproxen sodium’s a no-no in pregnancy. Everything I’ve found says that ibuprofen’s OK until the last trimester, although I’d be happiest not taking anything. The pain of not taking anything just isn’t an option, though. I’d probably lose the baby to agony and stress if I didn’t take something.
And if not for the pregnancy possibility, neuroman, I’f be right there with ya on the tequilla treatment. While I’m not a total pregnency teetotaller (sp?), I don’t think getting sloshed to the point of dulling pain is a good idea.
But thanks for the sympathy guys! It really helps in some strange way.
If it makes you feel any better, my daughter sprained her ankle Friday evening, level II or III according to the doctor, and she’s beginning to put a little weight on it the past day or so. She was in extreme pain the first couple days, but he put her in an air cast on Monday and that’s giving her better support. Elastic bandage might be pretty good. He also said not to think of ibuprofen as just a pain killer. He has her taking it as an anti-inflammatory to help the thing heal and reduce the swelling. Keep doing the RICE thing and it might surprise you. You might try the Active Ankle website for some exercise advice. Most of it looked pretty decent to me, and it builds up gradually.
Anyway, I hope you feel better soon, and I hope you look beautiful at the wedding.