I caught a lizard in my house yesterday. I was going to keep him and put him in a little glass tank so he could be my buddy. I figured he would be happier living outside though, so I set him free. I can feel the good lizard karma coming my way.
When the lizards take over the world, they’ll kill you last.
I caught a couple of really cute little lizards in my hotel room when I went to Disney. My fiancee and his family wouldn’t let me keep them though. I’ve always wanted a little lizard
This thread was not not what I though from the OP title. :eek:
I’m a dirty, dirty, little man.
I was closing a window the other day and squished one. He tried to sneak in at exactly the wrong moment. :smack:
Yes, but it’s better to be eaten first.
Contrary to popular belief, lizards absolutely hate living outside. You should have figured that out when you found him lounging in your home to begin with. What do you thing, he was just lost? He came into your home to befriend you and be a part of your life. What do you do, you toss him back on the street. How would you like it if friends or family just tossed you outside when you were at their house just enjoying the moment? You wouldn’t do too well now would you? It is absolutely brutal out there. He won’t survive more than a couple of days since you already domesticated him. You need to go find him right now.
You make a good point, I wouldn’t like that at all. Maybe I should run and hide under the refrigerator if they approach me?
For some reason I thought this was a euphanism for masturbation.
Either that, or scaring a lizard into dropping its tail, for novelty factor.
what kind of lizard to you have living there? We have very few up here and mostly salamanders (they live in swampy areas).
Down here in Florida we have several kinds of lizards roaming around. Usually this time of year when things cool off (only in the 70s during the day), the lizards pretty much settle down for a long winter’s nap. But during the middle of summer it’s leaping lizards down here, I see at least 50 of them while walking to my car. They scurry around trying not to get stepped upon.
Mostly I see chameleons and geckos. The chameleons I have seen range in size from about 1 inch (awww, it’s a baby) to about 8 inches or so. They are fairly skinny and usually light green, but they change colors when they need to, that’s why they call them chameleons.
The geckos I see are all fairly small, ranging from about 1/2 inch to about 4 inches. They are kind of a creamy greenish, brownish color. If you look at them very closely you will see they have little round suction cup pads at the ends of their toes that allows them to climb on damn near any surface.
Don’t try to catch a chameleon by the tail, he will just drop his tail off and walk away laughing. I’m not sure if geckos can give you their tail, but if you try to catch them they can scurry into the smallest crevice.
There’s probably a few other kinds of lizards roaming out in the swamps, but I don’t do out there. The dude I caught was about a 2 inch gecko. I saw him outside my door again this morning, I think he likes me.
I had a bluebelly living in my office for a couple of weeks. Every once in a while, I’d hear him rustling under my bookshelves or come agross him strolling down the middle of the hall. He’d hiss at me like it was his hall, and not mine, but I guess I’d caught him often enough to really piss him off.
I was worried that he didn’t have enough water (lord knows there are plenty of flies in here), so I sprung him last week. I put him outside under the shrub the toad lives in, so they can be cranky together.
You sure you’re not talking about anoles? At least, they’re what I always see when I visit Florida. If you’re really seeing that many chameleons, I envy you something fierce . I used to have an anole as a pet, back in North Carolina. But it came time to move, and my parents told me it wouldn’t survive the trip to CT and didn’t want the hassle of moving a lizard (despite already moving two dogs, a bird, and a rabbit). So I had to let him go out in the backyard… I still miss him
The lizards probably are anoles, but they used to be sold as pets, for many years, as “chameleons” (since they can change color) and the name has tended to stick to them among many people.
I share a back porch with between 3 and a bazillion lizards. I like the little critters. They eat the critters that I don’t like, like the spiders and skeeters. Plus it’s fun to watch em climb all over the walls and screen wire. As long as they don’t try to take over my hot tub, like the spiders try to do, we’ll get along fine.
That seems to be the opinion of many women…
By George they are anoles, not chameleons. I like when they pump their dewlap, it’s supposed to scare you away, oooooo so scary.
Here’s pictures of the anoles I see, I think we just have the green ones, but there may be a few brown ones wandering around here too.
And look at this!!! My little buddy is called a house gecko, imagine that.
He was an anole! I had one of them hang around my kitchen window for a time. Boy did he make my cats crazy, taunting them with his delicious anole self.
Learn something new every day.
I think the lizards at my parents’ house are anoles. I like them. They appear on the porch when we’re sitting out there, as if they want company.