I stuck my coworker's shoes to the floor

I guess we can let you off then. :wink:

Seriously, I’d be pissed, but I’d be able to see the funny side. So long as it was just general day wear shoes, and not, for example, my dancing shoes (which I’ve been known to keep in the office on occasion).

<<insert innuendo laden comment here>>

Given that she started it, I’d say you’re square with her. Wait til she’s gone, and return them to her desk.
With super glue.

Please do not use the words “insert” and “butt” in close proximity.

Does double-sided tape get brittle when frozen? You could freeze a test strip to see. Although I haven’t tried it myself, I’ve heard that freezing is a good way to get gum out of cloth. It might work for the shoes.

What to you object to?

Use another piece of tape to get the sticky off. Or you might be able to just rub it enough to get the adhesive to ball up. If you go with alcohol, there might be wipes in a first aid kit if your office has one.

Please listen to this man. He is both gentle and wise.

One time my coworker Tom came over (we worked in offices separated by several miles) and went on a mini (and not really serious) tirade about how the last time someone had sat in his cube, they accidentally took something of his (like, a pen or some such) and he was (mock seriously) peeved. He talked about how he was going to start labelling things.

So we labeled everything. We labeled his jacket, his laptop, his pen, his stapler, his notebook, the footrest he was using (“Tom’s feet”), his garbage (a sign above the garbage can, pointing down, exclaiming “Tom’s rubbish”), everything. We even went out and labeled his car (it was a removable piece of paper slid under his wiper blade). It was outstanding.

He found it hysterical. Last I knew, he was still carrying around a pen that proudly announced itself as “Tom’s pen.”

There’s a mini grocery nearby? Any type of oil will work. I’d probably go with baby oil or mineral oil, rather than veggie oil which can go rancid. This takes more work than goo-gone or acetone, but is much less likely to damage the shoe. A little soap and water should wash the oily residue off, lest she go ice skating on the next tile floor…

If she started it, I’d say you were even.

Talk to your building’s maintenance department - they will have a closet full of cleaning products and I bet they’ve got something like Goo-Gone in addition to normal cleaners (409, citrus-based cleaners, etc). You can also try a spritz of WD40, that will dissolve many adhesives. Let it sit and soften the crud, scrape it off, repeat until as much as possible is gone, then use some warm soapy water to get the residue off.

Since she taped your chair, I think your joke with her shoes is OK, especially since you are obeying one of the Cardinal Rules Of Practical Jokes which is “Thou shalt clean up after thyself”.

I was just going to mention WD 40, the company that makes the stuff says that it will “remove all traces of duct tape.” That seems pretty close to what the OP wants.

Surely the residue will wear off in a day or two. I say let the snooty bitch suffer.

I second this. She fucked with you first.

I once had a young coworker who labeled everything including her old, ratty box of rubber bands, “Mrs. B’s” :rolleyes: I think she was just excited that she was a “Mrs.” Too bad that she had an unfortunate habit of getting into* accidents *at home.


It’s funny some people here are saying “don’t mess with my stuff, especially my shoes.” My shoes are probably the one piece of property that I feel least attached to. I’d be much more annoyed with people messing with stuff on my desk or computer.

Yeah, not work related. Stuff like coming into work with a black eye because she fell out of bed.

How did you get the tape off your chair and pants?

Do you have dry erase board cleaner? That stuff can dissolve just about anything. I think the bottles are lined with diamond dust. . .