The following is meant only to relate my recent transformation, not to actually catalyze the teeming millions into action. Though I would not be at all dissapointed to learn that I am not alone in my sentiments.
Note to mods, if this belongs in IMHO, please relocate it, it just seemed rather mundane to me.
During my daily surfing circuit (specifically at, I ran across this rather disturbing headline, MPAA, RIAA Seek Permanent Antitrust Exemption . I think that most dopers can probably relate when I say that this news immediately galvanized me into such a frenzy of action that I was forced to actually click on the link and read the article, and sure enough, there they were, asking for protection from antitrust cases.
But I relate this story only to tell you about what happened next, well, not exactly next, I had to follow a few links first. I somehow stumbled onto a description of the DMCRA which I kind of liked, and sincerely hoped would pass. If only there were some way to let my congressperson know my feelings on. . . wait, whats that right there underneath the article? Why it’s a “Contact your Congressperson” form. How handy!
So tonight, I have sent no less than 5 messages to my congressperson regarding several of the issues on the EFF home page. I have gone from lazy computer geek to political activist in just a few mouse clicks.