I suspect I'll be lambasted for finding this comical.


Hee hee. That was funny.

I don’t really think you’re an asswipe-- the post is just funnier that way. And you know me with my fucked up sense of humor and all.

How’s that working out for you? Does that make it sufficiently shiny?

Is there a general perception in this lad’s environment that cop-killers get a “little bit extra” when they are in police custody? I’m not asking if such a perception has any validity, only whether it’s likely to exist. If it does, it might shed some light on why he might have declined to risk that consequence.


Well if you are not going to take offense don’t be surprised if no one bothers to lambaste you. Where’s the fun in that?

The only way to find out how you would react to someone pulling a gun on you intending to do harm in real life is to have someone pull a gun on you intending to do harm in real life.

They don’t train that in the acadamy, understandilbly.

In what way is the law tyanical? It poses no undue hardship - So what if you don’t get to buy weed? Your life is not jeapardized by the prohabition. Your employment is not jeopardized by the prohabition. Your right to peaceably assemble is not jeapardized by the prohabition. Your right to associate with anyone you life is not jeapardized by the prohabition. Your ability to live in your community is not jeapardized by the prohabition. There is nothing inherantly tyranical about being denied the right po purchase weed - You can live you life long and well without it.

This does not follow.
I buy grass seed. It makes a profit. It isn’t outlawed. I buy cars. They make a profit. That isn’t outlawed, either…

However tyrannical, it’s still the law. The kid could have been walking along naked and the cops would probably still tried to arrest him. Not sure where he would have carried a gun in that instance, but it’s pretty tyrannical to not be able to stroll in the nude. I, and lots of others, have worked around this tyrannical law.


I have no control over how people react to my posts, but I do have a fair amount of control over my own self.
A lot of people who post would do well to understand this fact.

I just got this wild flashback. It was a response from Biggirl in an old thread by a white guy who was asking about black women’s hair styles. If memeory serves me, it went something like, ‘Why the fuck should you care? If I wanna put braids in my ass hair, I’ll do as I please’. :eek:

Now back to your regularly scheduled rant…

With all the psychological tests NYPD applicants have to pass to get the job, I was kinda surprised this happened. I’ve always felt that every few years, cops should have to be required to re-pass the same physical exam they took to get the job.

After Marrero’s impersonation of Dr. Zachary Smith, perhaps they should get a head check every few years as well. Not that the PBA would ever allow any such policy to be put in place - but I’m gonna enjoy seeing how they try to defend Marrero without pissing off the other members.

JohnBckWLD, I’m not sure even regularly-sheduled head-shinking would find this sort of thing before hand… This is one of those reactions that you literally don’t know what will happen until the first time he’s in the real situation.

Now, of course, we know about his individual. I don’t think the PBA is going to put out too much effort on his behalf - There are too many other officers out there who’ve seen the elephant and not flinched, and they’re not going to want to ride with this guy.

Unless he had a crotch-gun ala Desperado & From Dusk Til Dawn.

The COPS need crotch guns! I would love to read a quote in the paper from Officer Sex Machine!