[i]That[/i] was the twist! (Joe Millionaire)(spoilers!)

Wow, I didn’t even watch the show and I correctly guessed what the twist would be. They pre-empted Boston Public for that?? Sheesh.

I would say what twist? That was about as formulaic as they come. I was hoping they would offer the winner a million or Evan.

So when does “Celebrity Joe Millionare” Air??

Oh I did get one moment of enjoyment and that was when Sarah’s face turned into that tight grin that kept getting tighter and tighter to the point where the back of her skull was being exposed.


Yes, that twist wasn’t very twisty. But I’m more disapointed in the amount of money involved.

“Here’s $500,000 each. Hope it all works out. Don’t forget to pay your taxes.”

Cheap-ass Fox.

I am glad that they brought back Melissa to help Sarah pack. It gave Sarah someone to commiserate with and verified what we all thought of them both.

I wanted the twist to be Zora saying; “Thanks for your interest, but I’m a lesbian.” Or, even more tawdry; “So you weren’t born into money? That’s okay. I wasn’t born a woman.”

See? I could have obviously pulled a better “twist” out of my ass. :wink:

Is that where they put a celebrity on there and then later reveal that he blew all of his money “Hammer”-style and he’s now broke?

I should have posted this earlier because no one will believe me now, but I knew he’d pick Zora from day one. Because she’s the only woman on the show who wasn’t a GOLD DIGGING WHORE!!!

That so-called “twist” was sooo predictable, people were predicting it even before the butler started saying there’s a twist at the end. I wonder what would have happened if Zora said no? Would the butler have said, “I was gonna give you this check if you stayed together, but…” and ripped it up in their faces? Now THAT would have been worth seeing!

I was especially gratified with Melissa’s total 180 when she found out that Evan wasn’t a multimillionaire. Before that, she’d gone on and on about how charming Evan was, how great his personality was, how well they were connecting, etc. – in other words, how great a catch Evan was regardless of his money. Afterward, she basically said he was a doofus. I might just be going out on a limb here, but it kinda made me think that maybe, just mayube, she wasn’t totally sincere during the earlier episodes about her opinion of him. :wink:

Say it ain’t so! :eek:

Sarah looked like a total bitch!

I enjoyed the creative editing. They really made Zora out to be a saint, and Sarah and Melissa were portrayed as the devil. But it was also slightly tongue-in-cheek when they showed Zora’s face with little animated flowers around it. I just don’t know if that blockhead deserves her. Although I have to admit he showed enough class to pick her over those other hosebags. What I’m wondering is whether Melissa and Sarah were really such rabid chain-smokers, or if that was more creative editing. And did Sarah ever tell Evan that she smoked? He didn’t appear to be a smoker, and we never saw her light up in his presence. Not that smoking is evil or anything, but had she been chosen, was she planning on sneaking smokes while Evan wasn’t looking for the rest of her life?

I don’t know why everyone is so upset about the “twist”. I can’t think of any other way they could have done it that would have been at all satisfying. And 500K each isn’t “cheap” in my book. I sure wouldn’t mind having it. The winners on “Survivor” only get a million, and they have to go through hell.

Then what would the butler have had on his little silver tray? :eek:

Woohoo!!! can I call it or what:


Posted on 1-14-03. :slight_smile:

Wow, they really layed it on thick, though. “I love Zora because she helped my great-grandma!”

Perfect ending to a perfect show, even if the “twist” was overhyped and completely predictable.

When he talked to Zora first and AGAIN mentioned the Roller-coaster ride, I thought for sure it was Sara. I was as surprised as Zora was.

Sara’s phony smile reared its ugly head again when the truth came out.

Bringing back Melissa for extra kibbitzing was a brilliant move on the producers’ parts.

Kudos to Fox, for a really engaging show. I don’t care what the naysayers think.

My SO and I thought their “surprise” at being given the check was priceless.

Looked like the acting you see in a little kid’s school play.

Wow. I am so surprised. I never would have expected this. I am shocked. See how flabbergasted I am. The producers never led me to believe I would walk away with an expensive paycheck - er! I mean “prize.” See my grin of surprise and delight that makes me look like a bloated chipmunk? Aren’t you amazed too? Yes, I am astonished.

They looked so uncomfortable. Like twelve-year-olds at a school dance who are scared silly to actually dance together.


She wouldn’t need to – I’m a non-smoker (of the smoked-for-20-years-but-quit variety) dating a smoker, and I assure you, there’s not enough mouthwash and breath mints in the universe to completely get rid of the smell – it clings to your clothes, your hair, your skin…

And you could tell that the poor little kid who said this was either delivering a rehearsed line, or reading off of a cue card.

Well, sure. The cameras were on. Once the cameraman left, however…

I loved the irony there on the smoking balcony, when Sara and Melissa were totally dissing Even, being all sour-grapes-y, with, “You know, that money, and those clothes, and the fancy restaurants and all, that doesn’t make you suave or sophisticated,” all whilst smoking up a storm… know what girls? Smoking doesn’t do it, either…

Yeah, his answer was obviously coached, as was Zora’s when she started out talking about how he lied to her to make it sound like she didn’t want him. I don’t blame Fox for trying to make it more dramatic, although sometimes they went a little too far with the suspense thing.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Never watched a single episode except the last 8 minutes last night.
What a waste of 8 minutes.