I think I am going crazy...

I used to REALLY like speed. I used to stay up for 4 or 5 days and not eat anything during that whole time except for a half a ham sandwich around noon on day 3 (I had to fight to get that amount of food in me).

I used to think it was great. My favorite part was on day 4 or 5 when I was on the very serious down slide I would fight the sleep as long as I could. I would put every effort I had into staying awake. I would find myself falling over alseep in front of the TV and shake myself awake again. The reason I did this was because of the visuals.

I would sit for hours on end and stare out my window at night…all night. I would see something out my window. It would be something so fucking ridiculous and amazing that I KNEW I could not be seeing what my eyes were telling me I was seeing. I soon realized that they were not seeing the crazy shit I was witnessing, but the crazy and off the wall image was just the first thing that I saw when I looked, and my exhausted brain refused to let me see anything else until I went outside and walked out to see just what the fuck I was looking at.

I would see things like men jumping around from roof to roof, smoke out of the corner of my eye, I once saw a black man in a tuxedo dancing by the apt. complex pool (upon further investigation it turned out to be a tree swaying infront of a TV sat. dish).

Now then…that was fun. This is NOT. I do not do speed anymore. I haven’t for at least 2 years. But, I have stopped sleeping. I have had maybe 2 hours of good sleep in the past 6 days. I have stopped sleeping and am not liking seeing things anymore. I have tried to smoke weed, taking sleeping pills, taking Somas, Hydrocodone, Xanax, and I cannot get good sleep. Most of the time if I do fall asleep then I am awake again in within 10 - 15 minutes. As I write this I can see what looks like smoke in my peripheral vision.

This sucks. (I am aware I may have misspelled some words…sorry, I’m tired)

I just really need some ideas on how to get to sleep. Can’t go to the Dr. no money.


Actually, that sounds like fun!

^^ not very good reading comprehension. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, insomnia sucks, and it sounds you have a helluva case. Sounds like the drugs messed with your brain, only thing I can recommend is the doctor. :confused:

Tried to come up with some ideas that have worked for me in the past. Excercise earlier in the day helps me a bit, and sex really helps if you can get it. Something that works for me is Melatonin. I take one an hour before bed, and by the time bed comes around I can barely keep my head up.

Tonight’s cocktail seems to be working pretty good. I am about to go lay down and hopefully I won’t be back until tomorrow.

Tonight’s recipe:

1 bowl, 1 4bar, 1 12oz. beer.

Good night.

Dude, time to get sorted out here. You haven’t been sleeping well since you quit 2 years ago or this the sleeplessness a new thing? Now I’ve been down the psychadelic road more than once, though I was never a speed freak. I would always have problems sleeping after taking acid or shrooms, but this would disappear after a day. The single best way I can think to knock yourself out without drugs is exercise. Just try it once (maybe tomorrow) and see if it helps, I’d bet it does. And I mean a real work out, for about an hour or so. Get your heart rate up and keep it up. Job, sit ups, push ups, until you can’t do anymore. Chill for an hour or two, then try to sleep. Be sure you are comfortable. Check back and let us know how you are doing.

Take your question to a more proper venue, please. You appear to have a very serious medical problem and I’m extremenly uncomfortable with the members supplying medical advice.

This first place has actual doctors answering questions:

And this place has a lot of information you may find helpful. Or at least you may find direction to a more fruitful resource.

I have to lock this thread. Sorry 'bout that.