I used to REALLY like speed. I used to stay up for 4 or 5 days and not eat anything during that whole time except for a half a ham sandwich around noon on day 3 (I had to fight to get that amount of food in me).
I used to think it was great. My favorite part was on day 4 or 5 when I was on the very serious down slide I would fight the sleep as long as I could. I would put every effort I had into staying awake. I would find myself falling over alseep in front of the TV and shake myself awake again. The reason I did this was because of the visuals.
I would sit for hours on end and stare out my window at night…all night. I would see something out my window. It would be something so fucking ridiculous and amazing that I KNEW I could not be seeing what my eyes were telling me I was seeing. I soon realized that they were not seeing the crazy shit I was witnessing, but the crazy and off the wall image was just the first thing that I saw when I looked, and my exhausted brain refused to let me see anything else until I went outside and walked out to see just what the fuck I was looking at.
I would see things like men jumping around from roof to roof, smoke out of the corner of my eye, I once saw a black man in a tuxedo dancing by the apt. complex pool (upon further investigation it turned out to be a tree swaying infront of a TV sat. dish).
Now then…that was fun. This is NOT. I do not do speed anymore. I haven’t for at least 2 years. But, I have stopped sleeping. I have had maybe 2 hours of good sleep in the past 6 days. I have stopped sleeping and am not liking seeing things anymore. I have tried to smoke weed, taking sleeping pills, taking Somas, Hydrocodone, Xanax, and I cannot get good sleep. Most of the time if I do fall asleep then I am awake again in within 10 - 15 minutes. As I write this I can see what looks like smoke in my peripheral vision.
This sucks. (I am aware I may have misspelled some words…sorry, I’m tired)
I just really need some ideas on how to get to sleep. Can’t go to the Dr. no money.