I think I broke my left shoulder blade

Let’s not get into how I might have broken it, but I have a huge-ass bruise there, and the pain has gotten consistently worse over the past week. Now it hurts when I breathe or cough or generally move. This sucks. I have a ton of work to do so I can’t just up and leave now, even though some Googling on symptoms said if I had trouble breathing, to seek immediate attention. I’m going to have to bloody go after work, and probably end up in a stupid sling.

Dammit. It really, really, really hurts. Maybe this is more IMHO or GQ, but if anyone’s had any experience with a broken shoulder blade, please feel free to chime in.

Every breath is excruciatingly painful.

UGH. :mad:

If you can lift your arm I’d say that there’s a good chance you haven’t broken your scapula. Sounds to me like you’ve bruised your lung. Go to the dr.

Medical friend said it could be a fractured rib. Spoke to my manager, am leaving work, going to hospital. Will update.

Mr. evil thinks he is going to get away without giving us details on how he did this. Foolish child.

Hope your feeling better.

I’ve had both a broken shoulder blade and numerous broken ribs. Yours sounds like broken ribs. Ribs are worse than shoulderblades, because you can semi-immobilize the shoulder blade, where as you’re just stuck with breathing and screaming thing until you heal.

THE PAIN! THE PAIN! (insert Herve Villechaise joke here.)

You got it, EchoKitty.

The pain actually got worse over the course of the day.

Five hours in the ER. Poked and prodded. Screaming in pain. Waiting for an initial dose of painkillers that never came. :mad: Two sets of x-rays. Diagnosis? Broken rib (in back) with major trauma to the muscle in the area. Rx? Vioxx and Percocet. Doctor’s note for paid time off work? Four days of rest, but seeing as tomorrow’s Friday, I can’t justify taking more than tomorrow off. Besides, we’re under the gun in terms of deadlines and I’m needed there. My manager told me things can wait until Monday.

Until then, I’ll be loopy on painkillers, so forgive any posts more bizarre than my usual ones. :wink:

Now, it’s time for you all to give me some good Doper TLC as I convalesce…

(I think the meds are kicking in now… wheeeee! Here we go! :D)

  • s.e.

Dammit, I actually go and spend a whole day doing real work and look what happens!

scott evil, sweetie, I feel for ya. Been there with the broken ribs and it ain’t fun. You rest! Take fun meds to make you pain free. Insist that all your friends bring you goodies and make nice to you while you bitch and whine (that’ll be easy for you :p)

Most of all…take care…get better…MWWWWWWWAH!

No, it’s definitely not fun to want to scream every time you breathe, or cough, or laugh.

I am doing so. :slight_smile:

So far, they’re working amazingly. I can actually move, and was able to go out and get some food.

Maybe not as easy as you’d think, but my best friend called as soon as I got home from the hospital. Alas, even if my other “friends” (as it were - you know the ones I’m talking about) come by, it’ll be pretty much a social pity visit. :wink:

Aw, you’re sweet. Big hugs & kisses to you too. :slight_smile:

  • s.e.

Ya know, that’s what you get for going to those wild lesbian potlucks! :slight_smile:

I’d give you a real hug, but it sounds like that would hurt to badly. Fortunately virtual ones don’t, although I’ll still be careful of the ribs.

{{{scott evil}}}

Take care, enjoy the legal dope as well as the Straight Dope.

Sorry to hear you’re injured scott evil. Ditto what swampbear said about getting your friends to pamper you a little. You especially deserve to milk this more since most of your sick days are falling on a weekend.

And I’d like to request that all the dopers to not pester you about how this injury transpired. Not yet, that is. Wait for the meds to kick in and lower his inhibitions, THEN pester him!

s.e. sweetie just remind 'em that even social pity visits require they bring goodies. :wink:

I’d settle for a few nice emails, even from those who don’t normally email me. Pisses me off that people can’t put things aside to just send some kind words. Sorry, but my meds are wearing off and it’s starting to hurt again. I just don’t see why petty arguments are some kind of reason to play aloof and ignorant. The pain is getting worse again, and I don’t want to take more of the meds than I’m supposed to, but then again, I want to be able to sleep. I have backup drugs for that, though, thank God. (All legal.)

If this gets any worse expect me ranting in the Pit in some kind of stupor.

  • s.e.

Aw. My favorite homosexual SDMB’er is a drugged-up little zombie! Squish, squish, sweetie. Squish, squish. So glad you’ve been provided with back up drugs. Send me a postcard from the Valley of the Dolls, wouldya, Neely? :wink:

I sent you pics from Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, honey. Check your email. :smiley:

  • s.e.

I take no responsibility for bad coding, bad spelling, or bad grammar. I blame it on the pain vs. strong meds battle going on in my system.

  • s.e.

Scott, I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling at your best right now. While I’ve never had experience with broken ribs or anything like that, I would imagine that it hurts like hell every time you try to do something, and that the resulting pain is beyond excruciating. :frowning:

Just rest, take the drugs, and please take it easy for the next few days at least. Oh, and check your email in a while, okay? :slight_smile:

You are so right on about how people can’t make a little time to do something kind for their fellow human beings, Scott! Now, I may not be perfect, but I try and make time to do little things for people that I hope they’ll appreciate! (and no, I am not bragging, either: ask my friends)

Scott, I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling at your best right now. While I’ve never had experience with broken ribs or anything like that, I would imagine that it hurts like hell every time you try to do something, and that the resulting pain is beyond excruciating. :frowning:

Just rest, take the drugs, and please take it easy for the next few days at least. Oh, and check your email in a while, okay? :slight_smile:

You are so right on about how people can’t make a little time to do something kind for their fellow human beings, Scott! Now, I may not be perfect, but I try and make time to do little things for people that I hope they’ll appreciate! (and no, I am not bragging, either: ask my friends)

You mean you’re usually NOT loopy on painkillers? (damn - another preconception down the drain) :smiley:

It’s pretty bad, but the meds are helping a lot. Unfortunately, I can’t do much more. There’s no cast they could put on me, so I just have to rest. I’ve felt worse pain, believe me (don’t get me into my ass operation!).

I did. Thanks for that.

Well, some people are busy for good causes, and others are caught up in their work. That’s why I come here.

In any case, I think I need more Vioxx… :wink:

  • s.e.

Not quite. I’m usually loopy on other meds, but I’m so used to them I’ve learned how to function (and work) while on them. Now, Vioxx combined with Percocet is another matter… :eek:


  • s.e.