Sure, it seems obvious that a guy without a gun can’t gun people down. But I am frankly not very focused on that aspect of the whole phenomenon. I would say I am not at a point of having reached a conclusion of “what to do”, so I can’t be a strong advocate for any policy response right now.
With that ‘disclaimer’ out of the way, I want to sort of confess that I view the perpetrators of mass shootings as crazy people. I think they are off their rockers, in one way or another. Some are just plain nut jobs- Laughner? I think it was who shot Giffords came across in his writing samples as disconnected from reality in a schizo kind of way. His motives didn’t make sense for any value of ‘sense’ I could figure. Just plain crazy!
But more common are the religious nuts. Even the Hindus get carried away with their religion and resort to violence as a result. Think of the Muslims that get killed, not because of suspicions of being a terrorist or conspiring to enact Sharia Law, but for eating beef. On the one hand, one can connect the dots in this situation- “Hindus believe eating cows is wrong. They witness people with different beliefs eating cows publicly, become enraged, and lash out.” Ok. Meet the guys in person, they may seem totally hip and with it. But on the other hand it is hard not to think, “This reminds me of God telling Abraham to slaughter his son Isaac, only this time God is telling you to kill that stranger over there, because he is eating a hamburger.” Doesn’t it seem like a person should be able to filter a thought like that before it rises to the level of action? Can you blame me for thinking that the person who can’t do that is a “religious nut”?
And, ‘psycho killers’. You get your serial killers with some weird murder fetish, ambushing victims and doing terrible things to them. No names, you know it happens though. They don’t seem to care how terrible and evil they are, therefore, they must be ‘psycho killers’.
Point is, I don’t feel like my thoughts on the subject are particularly sophisticated. My explanation is basically Trump’s (from here):
Troubling. But the article goes on to cogently discuss the mental health aspect of the issue. A few points:
That’s a lot of quoting, but it is quite the article. You should read it. I felt like they understood the issue better than I did. I basically think crazy people amass an arsenal of guns and plan on killing a bunch of strangers. Or everybody their mother-in-law knows. Or what-have-you, but it is crazy people doing it.