I think that chicken was bad. Should I have another piece? (With bonus question!)

Mmmm. Leftover KFC. Nothin’ better, right? Maybe not. We picked up an 8-piece (Extra Crispy) dinner Friday night. As of a few moments ago, there were three breast pieces left over. Now there’s two, and I’m feeling a little… well… It didn’t exactly smell bad this morning when I transferred the pieces from the bucket to individually wrap them in tin foil, but then again… they didn’t exactly smell good, either.

So what do you think? Should I tempt the fates, and eat another piece? I mean, if it’s bad, and I’ve already had one piece it shouldn’t matter, right? Or should I cut my losses, eat my apple, and toss the rest?

Bonus Question
You need to pick up beer and Fried Chicken. Which do you pick up first? (And why.)

Usually it takes a while before you feel the effects of food poisoning. I’d put it in the refigerator and wait.

As to the bonus question, it doesn’t matter. If the chicken gets cold, you can put it in the oven. If the beer gets warm, put it in the refrigerator.

Bonus reply

Pick up the beer first. It won’t hurt the beer to let it get warm. The chicken, on the other hand, will begin to spoil when it enters the danger zone (between 40 and 140 degrees.) If you want to save it for later, refrigerate the chicken to below 40 degrees as soon as possible.

Bonus answer:
Pick up the chicken first, tehn the beer. Tiy can enjoy the malty goodness of the cold beer as you reheat the chicken better than you can ejoy the warm chickeny goodness while waiting for the beer to chill.

Winston if you’re not dead yet, go ahead and have another piece of chicken.

Pick up the chicken first. Arriving home with ice cold beer should always be first priority. Sheesh! I can’t believe you even had to ask! :rolleyes:

guizot I’ll chalk it up to psychosomatic response, I guess.

AskNott I really think warm beer is worse than bad chicken (see below).

brownie55 He shoots, he SCORES!!!

swampbear You know me better than that, don’t you? This is in the name of SCIENCE, man! We’ve got to be deliberate. We’ve got to be thorough. We’ve got to drink cold beer and raise these important questions to liberate the MASSES!!


Don’t eat the chicken. It’s not worth the vomiting to save the, what, $.50 you spent on those two breasts.
Get the beer first. But get a 12-pack and take the first beer from the middle.

Chicken’s fine. I do need more beer, though. First beer from the middle, eh? Never thought of that. SMRT.

Don’t eat the chicken! KFC is evil!

Incidentally, you should always get beer last. It saves the cold frosty freshness so much better.

Don’t eat the rest of the chicken. Why beg for trouble to find you?

As to the beer/chicken issue, I would have a cooler in the back… buy a bag of ice when buying the beer - place ice and beer in cooler and then get chicken… then the complete enjoyment of icy cold beer and hot chicken can be yours with minimal fuss.

Doesn’t matter since I don’t like fried chicken or beer. If it gets cold/warm, it’s someone else’s problem and they should have picked it up themselves.

If it’s broasted chicken and pop, then I’d get the pop first.

I don’t see refrigeration of the chicken mentioned anywhere in the OP. If the chicken has been unrefrigerated since Friday night, it’s not going to be safe to eat.

[bloierplate]Odour and the absence of it are not reliable indicators as to the microbiological safety of any given portion of food; it’s quite possible for stinky things to be safe and very unsafe things to smell completely normal.


Trick question - ORDER the chicken on delivery - pick up beer - be drunk by the time the chicken arrives - flirt drunkenly with delivery guy - Chicken is free!


Kythereia Well, if force feeding chickens growth hormones and making them live in cages so small they can’t execrise off the extra pounds is evil, then… well…
Yeah. I guess KFC is evil. Fuggit. It’s tasty, and the human race has a proud tradition of evil acts to uphold. I’m not one to flout tradition.

Mgcklmoon Don’t eat the chicken? Don’t eat THE CHICKEN?!? HAVE YOU NO RESPECT FOR THE PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE?!? This is about SCIENCE, man.

Odinoneeyebroasted chicken and pop? Sorry. I don’t drink pop. That stuff’ll kill ya. Seriously.

Mangetout I left the chicken on my desk and unrefrigerated, per your suggestion. I’ll eat the rest tomorrow at noon time (Eastern) (GMT -5) and let you know if this bloierplate you mention improves the flavour.

Poysyn Um, well, I tried that this evening with the China Jade delivery dude, and he kicked me in the testicals and called me a name I don’t feel comfortable repeating. My wife didn’t really appreciate me flirting with the delivery guy, either.

Hmmm… let’s see… the last time Mr Cazzle asked himself a similar question, the end result was 10 days of diarrhea, 15 pounds of weight lost and being reported to the Centre for Disease Control. I don’t think he’d advise you to go ahead and try the chicken but YMMV.