I told you I was an idiot

in this thread.

You know what I did this weekend? I washed my cell phone. In the washing machine. I forgot to check my blue jean pockets. I always check my pockets! Wah!!! :smack:

Along with the cell phone was my new prescription for new glasses. Not that big a thing, I can get another one easily, but jeez. :frowning:

I am a dumbass.

Did the SIM card survive?

I hope so. It’s not broken anyway. When I receive my new phone tomorrow, we’ll see if it still works. I was paying for insurance. $4 a month. I called them up and they said it was $50 for the deductible! But they are overnighting a new phone. I was supposedly told about the deductible, but I don’t remember that part. It’s probably in the fine print of my contract.

What a pain in the butt.

My boss has gone through 4 cell phones since I’ve been here.

  1. Dropped in the lake off his boat.
  2. Left “somewhere” in Mexico.
  3. Dropped in the lake off his boat.
  4. Just gone.

The last time he asked me to look into one and order it for him, I asked him if he just wanted it delivered right to Lake Ontario, or would he be taking it there himself?

Cell phone and glasses prescription, that’s pretty good. The best I’ve ever done is lip gloss (many times) and a pen (once). I enjoy doing my fiance’s laundry for him. He teaches grade one, and I am always bound to find something interesting in his pockets… this weekend alone: a rubber lizard, three battleships, a friendship bracelet, a piece of chalk (always), and some plastic quarters. I usually find some Canadian Tire money too.

Is the reception any cleaner now?

I have a story that beats all. Three years ago, before I went back to England to defend my doctoral dissertation, I accidentally put my passport through a washing machine. (What can I say…I was a little nervous.) It didn’t look in too bad a shape, though, so I carefully dried it and brought it along. I passed through US customs on the way out and landed at UK customs; nobody made any comment.

So, after my dissertation defense, I tried to relax back at the hotel by watching the evening news. And there was a news story about Richard Reid, the “shoe bomber,” who had attempted to alter his passport by…putting it through a washing machine.

Needless to say, I had a real fun time getting back out of the UK.

I recently washed all my nice clothes in one load of laundry.

A Laura Mercier lipstick was in the pocket of a pair of jeans.

Not only did I ruin about $500 in clothes, but I used a $20 lipstick to do it.

Keep it up, y’all are making me feel better! :wink:

Last July 4th, I was out on a boat in the Atlantic, waiting for the fireworks to start. We stopped of at an old haunted fort to explore and one of the people I was with dropped his in the ocean while getting off the boat. It was his 5th or 6th in about 2 weeks.

I accidentally put my passport through the laundry. It didn’t look too bad, and was due to be renewed in a few months anyway, so I continued to use it, which was I mistake. I got held up crossing into the US while they examined it under a microscope.

I, too, managed to wash a passport once. I found that leaving it to dry on top of the radiator did a pretty good job of adhering the plastic back onto the page. Still, I got checked extra carefully whenever crossing borders (which was quite a bit at that time). The problem was, the border guards would pick and pick at the lamination making it look more and more doctored. Finally, before I packed off to Russia for a trip, I decided to spring for a new one, not particularly enamoured by the idea of being stranded in Moscow.