I too have bought a scooter!

Probably not as cool as FloatyGimpys’

I got one of these!

My daily commute is about 4km (2 1/2 miles) each way and I’ve been looking for something faster than walking but a bit slower than cycling so I feel like I’m actually getting a decent bit of exercise.

Plus the boys have their own scooters so now I’ll be able to keep up on outings to the park rather than trying to keep them in sight.

That looks fun, too!

Walk? Walk? What is walk? There is no walk, only scoot.

So what do you do to exercise the other leg? Or are you ambilegtrous?

I’ll be curious how it works out for you in terms of commute time. I’m also why the “too fast” of a bicycle is bad for you.

I have a kickbike - like your scooter but with bigger wheels and sturdy enough to hold a large adult. I got it so I could hook up my dogs and have them pull me, (tons of fun for them and me) but I also just take it out for a spin now and then.

The baseplate is wide enough that you can get both feet onto it, so you get up some speed, coast for a while and then change the leg you kick with. Takes some practice to get it right.

The bike feels ‘too fast’ in the sense that I want to get some more cardio exercise and the 10 minutes each way just doesn’t feel like I’m getting a decent workout.

I’m hoping this will make me work a harder while still being faster than the 40 minute it takes to walk to work. If I can get around 25 minutes travel time I’ll be really happy.

That makes sense. Maybe report back in a few months and let us know how it works. I am always curious about things like this.

Quick bump and update.

Scooted to work today for the first time. Tons of fun, took about 20 minutes to go 4km (avg. speed about 12kph - call it a touch under 3 miles and avg. speed about 7.5 mph).

I feel like I’ve had a good bit of cardio work and my leg muscles are feeling it. So far really happy with it and it has met my need for a middle-ground between walking and cycling perfectly. :smiley: