…second to Jim Shooter.
I take it back, he’s by far the ‘best’.
I just went over the “Darkseid War” that led to “Rebirth”. Johns takes characters, throws them at a wall to see what sticks…and then blows up the wall. And then the wall comes back to life,…but it has super powers!!
He is {rob lowe} Lit-er-ally {/rob lowe} that kid you played super-heroes with in grade school. The one who says, “Oh yeah??? Well then Dr. Manhattan shows up and kills both your guys!!! What are you going to do now??? NO ONE can kill Doc Manhattan!!”
“And then Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor fight!! And then its BOOOM AND POWWWW and then he dies!!! Oh but Superwoman gives birth and she turns the baby into Darkseid!!! BOOOM POWWWW!!!”