It can’t be sustained year-round (honestly I don’t think it can be sustained for one hour), but wouldn’t it be great of there was a week where everyone who testified before Congress replied in total honesty.
“That’s the fucking stupidest question I’ve heard since the moron sitting next to you asked me one, Senator.”
“Well, your opening statement made it clear you won’t listen to anything I say, so I’m outta here.”
“You’re on record as not believing in the theory of evolution, so I might as well claim that God gave me my evidence in a dream.”
I’ve been watching too much CSPAN lately, I guess.
From an older Dilbert book, this is so true (at least about American politics)
Bob the Dinosaur to Dogbert
Bob, “Why do politicians lie?”
Dogbert, “To get elected.”
Bob, “Oh, because people believe them?”
Dogbert, “No, nobody believes them.”
Bob, “Why do they keep lying if nobody believes them?”
Dogbert, “People wouldn’t vote for them if they told the truth.”
Bob, “Okay, so people like lies and dislike the truth?”
Dogbert, “No, just the opposite.”
Bob runs away screaming while Dogbert thinks, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”
It’s funnier to read the actual comic, but part of what makes it funny is that it’s true.