Do you like spam?
I like spam prepared the way I like livermush.
Sliced thin…fried crisp. On a sandwhich…bread of your choice…mayo and mustard…
The question is…Should anyone eat spam?
Do you like spam?
I like spam prepared the way I like livermush.
Sliced thin…fried crisp. On a sandwhich…bread of your choice…mayo and mustard…
The question is…Should anyone eat spam?
I haven’t had spam in, probably, 20 years . . . But I don’t recall it as being particularly objectionable. It’s salty ‘n’ spicy, which I like. I think it’s the IDEA of spam which is so offensive.
But I even like—I can’t believe I’m admitting this—Chicken In a Biscuit, the White-Trash Treat! Now I will have to kill you all . . .
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam
Spam-pety Spaaam, Spam-pety Spaaam,
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam…
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Tried it. ONCE!
I once had a friend who was a rep for Hormel. She pressed upon me several containers of Spam.
I’m now a vegetarian. Need I say more?
Darn. When I saw the title of this thread, “I want to delve into your deepest darkest secret…”, I thought it was going to be another thread about anal sex…
Lover-ly Spam, wonderful Spam.
I don’t buy it, because it’s expensive. Maybe it used to be relatively cheap, but with improvements in wholesaling and refrigeration technology, canned meat is not a cheap alternative anymore.
If memory serves though, when crisp on the outside and verging on gelatinous on the inside it is fine.
Wow!..72 posts in how long? and spam brought you out!
Good to see yas!
people will admit to anal sex…Just not to eating spam…
Alright, I admit it. I eat Spam and I like it. My wife and daughter like it, too. We like it because it is easy and quick–just slice it up and fry it a little. It’s particularly good during the time of year when you can get lots of fresh vegetables, so the meat part of your meal isn’t that important anyway.
Of course, we don’t eat it all that often…
I saw a thing on Dateline (while in Germany, I’ll watch damn near anything that happens to be in English) about how Hawaiians absolutely love Spam. They showed one restaurant where the guy slices it up and serves it in a fancy pasta dish.
Lastly, I’ve felt sort of patriotic about Spam ever since my stepfather told me his theory of how it helped us win WWII.
tracer wrote:
That’s ok, honey - come confess over in the Gay Guy threads.
Spam schmam - let’s talk about SCRAPPLE!
Or perhaps sweetbreads? Or porkbrains and scrambled eggs? I live in the deep south. We use everything on the pig except the squeal…and they aere working on that I’m sure.
Maybe I’ve been out of the country too much…
What the hell is Scrapple?
[coming out from lurking to respond to something really important]
About a year ago I moved out to Colorado from Lancaster, PA and have been missing out on this delicacy. I guess I’ll just have to settle for mountain oysters.
[/coming out from lurking to respond to something really important]
Well, I’m not sure that anyone ** really ** knows but from what I can gather it’s a pureed collection of what’s left on the killing floor at the end of the day with a lot of spices added in (thinly sliced and fried, sometimes eaten with syrup.) Basically, it consists of the meat that is rejected for hot dogs.
Thanks, mountain man. Sounds delicious.
And mountain oysters?
Man, I am starting to really feel out-of-touch.
mountain oysters would be steer production by-products (also, thinly sliced and fried… hmmm, noticing a trend here(I guess that anything is edible if it’s thinly sliced and fried))
(FYI: steers are neutered bulls)
Or, stated in a more temporally correct manner, making use of the commutative law, bull - mountain oyster = steer.
Those are ROCKY Mountain oysters, guys and gals. Come on out to the Testicle Festival, held every summer at Rock Creek, Montana (official motto: “Have A Ball!”). I shit you not. It’s a ton of fun and you don’t actually have to consume Rocky Mountain oysters if you don’t want to – which I did not and do not. But the beer’s cold, the bratwursts are hot, and the bands are loud. I hear the oysters are good, too, but, as I said, couldn’t tell you from personal experience as they are on the list of Things I Would Never Eat, No, Not In A Million Years.
Thanks again for the info…I think I’ll stick with the Spam, though, for now.
That festival sounds pretty cool, though.
Well, I’m not sure that anyone ** really ** knows but from what I can gather it’s a pureed collection of what’s left on the killing floor at the end of the day with a lot of spices added in (thinly sliced and fried, sometimes eaten with syrup.) Basically, it consists of the meat that is rejected for hot dogs.
A-HA! I was hoping someone would ask this…
Having once been a close personal friend of the Habbersett family (yes, the ones that invented Scrapple), I can say for certainty that Scrapple is made from all the meat parts of a pig that Europeans consider delicacies but Americans won’t touch - organs, muscle, etc. No, it’s not “lips and assholes” or hooves or snouts or lungs or anything like that, but rather the heart, brain, liver, and the like, just like from any other animal, just mashed together into little bricks. Personally, I can’t stand the stuff, but there it is anyway.
[Moderator Hat ON]
I think this 'un’s a better fit for IMHO. Have fun there, guys.
[Moderator Hat OFF]