I want to learn Swedish

I’m kicking myself these days, since I lived within walking distance of the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle that holds classes.

I now live in the Salt Lake area, and I’ve tried looking for non-university programs/classes but haven’t had any luck. The University of Utah doesn’t have a Swedish program and even though BYU does, I’m not driving to Provo.

I would like suggestions on decent audio programs I should look into, as that is turning out to be my only option. I don’t mind spending money on this goal, but not on the Rosetta Stone level if its possible.

Also, if anyone happens to live in Salt Lake or close to it and actually knows of a place that teaches the language, that would be fantastic. It’s very possible I’m making this harder than it actually is, so thank you for any help.

Can’t help you on the specifics, but being a native I’ll help you out with grammatical questions and chat with you if you’d like.

I started learning it but had to stop due to being ill for a while and lack of money has stopped me taking it up again (I was having 1 to 1 tuition). It’s not so bad to take up, but it has helped me that I know Swedish people so am learning something in a context. The grammar is about 80% the same as English and words don’t have masculine and feminine elements (thank god!).

I want to take it up again when I’ve got some more cash.

A quick, dirty, cheap alternative is Teach Yourself Swedish by Vera Croghan. If you’re not around Swedish speakers, get the book and CD package. I’ve used it myself and highly recommend it. Take it slow - one lesson per week broken into little sections - and you should be ready to read newspapers and short, easy books, as well as at least be able to understand parts of subtitled movies.

You might give Live Mocha a try. It’s an international online community where you can practice, chat, and tutor just about any language you want to learn.

This might help.

live mocha is not available anymore, try this https://www.lingq.com/