Arg, I know I can’t, but I want to. I wish I could…
Me too. Is it absolutely verboten? How dead does a thread have to be before you can’t post to it anymore?
I think that the general rule of thumb is to leave threads older than 3 months alone. If you wan’t to comment on them you are supposed to start a new thread and link to the old one. Lord only knows what this does accomplish, but that is the way it is.
I post to dead threads. They don’t know they’re dead.
I don’t think necropostia is as frowned upon in cafe society where comments on food, film and the like really aren’t affected by a timeframe as much as in say imho or great debates where you might be refuting an opinion when the “expressor” has long since left the building.
Maybe they felt that anteposting often had the possibility of generating conflict or an interrupted evolution and, therefore, those threads were probably best left alone.
Just postu lateing.
So start a new thread and post a link to the old one.