I was bitten by a fucking centipede!

Not all things of Gods creation are beautiful: Rat’s, Algore, and centipedes are great examples!
Every spring, for some reason, we get centipedes. Mostly outside, but some get inside. I will not share my home with any non-human creatures other than my dog and my 2 cats! I will not have bugs in my house! But before the exterminators poison set in, a fucking 'pede bit me on my wrist while I slept! Mother fucker! It hurts like hell, and is all lumped up! And my wrist is all red! Oh, it will go away in a day or so, but FUCK! The idea of bugs in my nice fucking home really pisses me off! Fuckers!!!:mad:

I objurgate the centipede,
A bug we do not really need.
At sleepytime he beats a path
Straight to the bedroom or the bath.
You always wallop where he’s not
Or if he is, he makes a spot.

  • Ogden Nash

My MIL was bitten by a centipede a couple of weeks ago when she was at a hot spring…on her bum.

She didn’t realise it was a centipede at first. She was sitting on a cane stool, so she thought it was some of the cane sticking into her. But when she stood up, she saw the thing crawling away.

Apparently the best home remedy is crushed-up cucumber. She put some on the bite, and everything was fine the next day.

But I agree, centipedes suck. Them and mosquitoes.

[ul]and **leeches! ** :eek:[/ul]

Leeches are worse. There is something spectral about looking down, noticing the trail of blood, and then tracing it to a bloated black remorah feeding on your essence without your prior notice or consent.

Look on the bright side. At least you weren’t fucked by a biting centipede. Or maybe you were. Who knows what other nefarious things it was up to while you were asleep.


I -like- rats!


Oh, well…I didn’t really need to sleep today. Or ever again.

Was it one of those scary-assed hairy centipedes? I get those from time to time in my townhouse, and when they arrive, the Geneva Protocols go right out the door as I reach for various chemical weapons.

My neighbor has a pet ferret, which he claims is rather adept at killing (and eating…yech!). If I see any more goddamned nature in my house, I may have to raise a small ferret militia.

Be grateful it wasn’t the dreaded SouthWest Texas vinagaroon.

OOoooohhh yes. I HATE leeches, it makes me squirm just thinking of them [squirms]…

EeEW! eeeeEEEW!EEeeooooeeEEW! EW!

I got bit by one of these little bastards in Mississippi! Not realizing how inherently evil they are, I was going to be nice and pick it up and throw it outside. My good intentions were repaid by the little shit sinking its goddam teeth (or whatever the hell it bites with) into my hand! :eek: Needless to say, all compassion flew out the window and the offending bug became a greasy little spot on the wall.

But that’s not the end of the insult-the pain grows. You suddenly feel a throbbing surge every 5 minutes or so, elicting new and ever-more-offended bursts of “Hey, Ow! I mean, shit, OW! GodDAMMIT!”

So does your id mean pesky kritter bites?

Funny you should post this. My SO and I have been bitten for the past few nights in a row but we’re not sure by what. I’m thinking it’s spiders. We did a thorough cleaning and vacuuming last night to suck up the little fuckers but I’m still sore! I’ve only got one bite (TMI WARNING) but it’s on my left areola–damn, it still hurts like hell! I will not share my house with bugs! Even my kids know my motto on indoor insects, “Stomp once, flush twice.”

Funny you should post this. My SO and I have been bitten for the past few nights in a row but we’re not sure by what. I’m thinking it’s spiders. We did a thorough cleaning and vacuuming last night to suck up the little fuckers but I’m still sore! I’ve only got one bite (TMI WARNING) but it’s on my left areola–damn, it still hurts like hell! I will not share my house with bugs! Even my kids know my motto on indoor insects, “Stomp once, flush twice.”

Funny you should post this. My SO and I have been bitten for the past few nights in a row but we’re not sure by what. I’m thinking it’s spiders. We did a thorough cleaning and vacuuming last night to suck up the little fuckers but I’m still sore! I’ve only got one bite (TMI WARNING) but it’s on my left areola–damn, it still hurts like hell! I will not share my house with bugs! Even my kids know my motto on indoor insects, “Stomp once, flush twice.”

Ackkk!! So sorry about the multiple posts! I kept getting error messages and just assumed it wasn’t going through! I beg your forgiveness. No one should have to read about my boob bite more than once!

Are you sure it wasn’t hubby doing a little late night nibbling?


Well, Amp, I can’t say it hasn’t happened accidentally before (I’m pretty sure it was accidental.) But if he’s leaving bite marks like this—I’m an X-File waiting to happen! :eek:

I saw a centipede in our kitchen once which ran under the oven before I could do anything about it. We also have roaches under and behind the oven so hopefully the bug-munching centipede is having a nice feast under there. Of course, it’ll probably get squooshed next time it ventures out.

I was watching Jeff Corwin on AP this weekend and he found a leech on his right thigh, and left it there! At least while he was on camera.

Do vinagaroons bite? I’ve seen people pick them up before without any serious repercussions. They look a little bit like a grasshopper wearing a lowjack.

House centipedes hang out in my basement. These are the long pale brownish ones with many very long legs. As kids we called them “thousand-leggers”. Occasionally in the summer you will find one hiding under some damp towels. But I just leave 'em, despite having been bitten once or twice. They eat other, more numerous pests, such as silverfish.

Centipedes bite with mouthparts that are two little fangs opposed to one another, like a spider. The reason the bite hurts so much is because centipedes are venomous. Just like spiders, to whom they are related, 'pedes digest their prey before eating it, just slurping it up. Hence, the venom. House cetipedes aren’t dangerous, but those long red ones with smaller orange legs you sometimes find outdoors can be serious, especially if you’re allergic to them. My mother has a pet miniature pot-bellied pig that lives in the house with her. She (pig, not mom) eats almost all the insects she finds in the house.

And I like rats! And I sorta even like leeches. Well, they’re interesting, at any rate.