I was going to name this thread "I Got Some Pussy Last Night", but decided not to.

I was on a date last night. Nice guy, gorgeous big brown eyes, awesome body, the entire package is pretty nice, but that isn’t the purpose of this thread.

During the last part of the date, we end up at a little coffee shop called Grounds For Coffee, we all call it Grounds for short. It is a nice relaxed little place with sofas, books, TV, stereos, a patio and usually someone who comes in just to play a little guitar or whatever. I love this place. It’s like hanging out at someone’s house.

So anyway, me and Doug are sitting out on the patio when the scrawniest little dirty kitty came wandering up. The two girls working said that the cat showed up the day before and was starving. They had been feeding it ever since. She was really friendly and made her rounds so everyone could pet her, then should would go eat more (and more and more).

It started to get a little cold sitting out on the patio and the more I thought about how hungry she was and the more I thought about the busy parking lot and the busy street just beyond the parking lot as well as the fact that there was no place for it to sleep except cold concrete, the more I didn’t want to leave it there.

The girls at the shop said they had been asking everyone who came in if they knew where it belonged, no one did. There are no houses in the area so we figured that someone either dropped her off or she was really lost.

I ended up bringing her home. I couldn’t help myself.

Now the only problem is what we are going to name her if I can’t find the owners. I am usually pretty good at naming pets (Ricky Retardo and Smelly Bundy are a few of my masterpieces), but my imagination is shot this weekend. Help me out here.

Here are some things you could consider.

She has the same coloring as Sylvester (nope, I already had a cat named Sylvester, beside this one is female.)

She is very skinny.

She is very friendly.

She was hanging out at a coffee shop (Grounds for Coffee).

I was drinking a Chai Tea Latte.

My date was drinking an iced French vanilla latte.

She was wearing an old, dirty pink collar.

Whatever you do, don’t call her “Latte for dinner”

< giggle >


Oh, I’m bad with this. My dog is named Spot. But here goes:

Coffee related names: Java, Joe, Bean (I like that one!)

Dog names that are good for cats: Rover, Fido, Spike.

SDMB names: Cecil, Mipsim, Ed Zotti (just kidding).

Good luck! I’m very glad you are giving that kitty a home.



Sorry, those are the only ones that are coming to mind. Around here, the felines we’ve had have been named after musicians or musical gear! :smiley:

How’s about “Dammit”? As in, “DAMMIT! I spilled hot coffee on me!”

That was very nice of you to have taken the cat in, Diane. Well, there seems to be some French in some of your things to consider (the coffee, and such), so why not something French. I speak French, so I’ll throw out some suggestions (though they might be fairly crappy):

Cafe Amie (pronounce, cafay amee, coffee friend [I don’t know how to write accents, sorry])

Rose (French for pink; after her collar) or Sale Rose (dirty pink; the collar)

Amie Rose or Rose Amie (I’m not sure which it is, but the second one sounds like a pretty good name, if you contract it into one word: Rosamie)

Maigre or Maigre Amie or Maigramie (maigre is skinny)

Moulu (cafe moulu is ground coffee [from the name of the coffee shop]); for that matter, you could call the cat Grounds

Well, that’s all I can think of for now. I hope this helps.


My parents’ cat’s name is Rosie.


Not a suggestion, really, but a cat naming anecdote just the same.

My brother’s girlfriend wanted them to get a cat. My brother did not want to get a cat. As is the way of the world, they compromised and got a cat.

One of the inducements his girlfriend had offered him was that if they got a cat, he could name it. Once the cat was in hand, she was undoubtedly worried about what abomination he was going to choose for a name. (In fact, “Abomination” may have been a contender.) She was therefore relieved when he told her the cat’s name was going to be Pita.

“That’s a really pretty name. How did you think of it?”

“Simple. It stands for Pain In The Ass.”

Are we voting? Cafe Amie is a very cool name for a cat.


I know I suggested this last time someone asked us, but I still think being able to praise a puss with ‘Good karma’ or scold her with ‘bad karma!’ is cool.

And wasn’t it fate that led her to Diane anyway?

Skinny, friendly, hangs out at the coffee shop…hey, that’s me! Name her DeathLlama! Well, no, I guess that would be a pretty sucky name for a cat.

Though you could check out Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Elliot (it’s what the musical “Cats” was taken from…mostly). There are some great cat names in there.

You might want to check, when you take her to a vet, to see if she has a chip in her ear. Down here, they are installing microchips in pets in case they get lost. Usually in the ear.

Pink collar. Someone cared. How sad. I’m glad you took her in. I’ve a big soft spot for cats.

I’ve read some of your posts. I pretty much figured that I was probably not going to like you a whole bunch, even if you look like Terri Garr. However, all has changed. Anyone sweet on cats is my type of person. Anyone willing to take in a helpless stray soars up dramatically on my list. Hooray for you! :slight_smile: :smiley:


Ally McBeal. (you said she’s skinny, right?)

Shaniatwain - just because.

Chairwoman Miaow

Messopotamia Calliope

Oh, it’s endless.

Diane, you are so sweet for taking in that little lost soul.

I must ask one favor: Please contact a vet and see if they have a microchip scanner. Mostly shelters have these but some vets do too. If you take the little one in, they scan her neck (where most chips are) and if she has a chip, they may be able to contact her owners. If she doesn’t, then she’s yours and I recommend getting a chip implanted as soon as possible. My husband and I found our baby boy after he disappeared for a month with the help of one of those microchips.

As for names. how about Late? (Lah-tay since I can’t type accents.)
Good luck with the new little lady.
