I Was Hit By A Car On My Bicycle Today.

Oh My! Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor! I’m glad you’re ok, we can’t get along without you here.

Good plan, add some tylenol to that, (not to the bath, to you) and you should be feeling better soon. If we’re forming a gang to go beat up the bad man, I’m in… :eek: (Just don’t let him hurt me, 'k?)

I’ve got a story about the time I used a mailman’s back as a ramp.
I get this bike for my birthday. It was my first ten-speed mountain bike. As mothers are apt to do, my female birth giver insisted I got one a little big, so I’d “grow into it”.

Well, my feet are barely touching the pedals.

So, I open up the front door and walk it out and start riding it around, loving the feeling of the wind whipping through my hair. Then I ride around my block a few times…and get to the third lap, and what do I see?

The mailman, walking along the sidewalk, minding his own business.

I’m gaining on the mailman very quickly. I’m pedaling backwards like a maniac trying to stop, but this is a ten speed back. Pedaling backwards isn’t the brakes anymore. 20 feet…15 feet…10 feet…I yell for the mailman to look out.

Tony Hawk or Dave Mirra or someone else that rides a bike for a living would have been jealous.

I took him by surprise and planted the wheel between his legs and ran him over. Used his back as a ramp.

I got air.

Mom was in the kitchen. Dad was in the driveway. The mailman yelled in pain. Mom thought it was dad. They were surprised when they found out it was the mailman. The mailman wasn’t very happy, but I was crying. Dad picked me up and I kept crying. The mailman walked away.

Dad says to me: “Hit him again, he’s still moving”.

The mailman tried to sue us, but it never came to fruition. Fast forward to when I turned 16. The same mailman takes over the route and mom feels the need to let the mailman know that I can drive now and to look out again.

Bosda, I’m glad that you seem intact for the most part. You might want to get checked by the doctor in a few days just to make sure there aren’t any long-term problems.

Hope you got some witness names. I hate to be mean, but sometimes police reports tend to be written to favor the auto driver by default in these cases.

At least this guy stuck around. The one that nailed me was hit and run. One of the reasons I feel that H&R should invoke the death penalty.

You might consider getting a lawyer to deal with the insurance company. Sometimes the Insutrance companies are just glad their fool of a client destroyed a bike costing a few hundred dollars rather than denting the multi-thousand quarter panel of a sports car. But sometimes the adjusters think they can toss you a nickle and tell you go away quietly.

At the very least, itemize every single thing you lost: Clothing, watch, basket, whatever, and make certain they know its replacement cost.

I was under the impression that this would constitute insurance fraud.

hugs tightly–well, carefully I’m really glad you’re okay. :frowning:
This almost happened to me once; the woman driving the car didn’t stop, but a guy by the roadside did. I was okay, though, just a few cuts and scrapes all over.

Hope you feel better soon,** Bosda**. In the meantime, shall we send Shego to vaporize that guy’s car so he doesn’t do this to anyone else?

They hate me worse.

I have never sold, or traded in a car. Every vehicle I have ever owned has ended up totalled by dint of my being struck by another driver. My husband and I have been rear-ended four times over the last seven years.

What consenting adults get up to in their spare time is nobody’s business but their own.

A Trek Cruiser, bright red. Basket, bell & lights.

I always wanted one, & picked it because it was the most troubl free/low maintainence bike in the store.



Going to the MD on Monday.

Gonna have the lawyer my family does business with write a letter to the guy’s insurance company, once the paramedic/fire dept bill arrives.

Is “pixie dust” code for “warm & lovin TLC”? If so… :smiley:

Dude, Mrs M. is muchly taken with the expression “fanny over teakettle” :smiley:

Speedy recovery and all that!

Bosda I’m glad you’re ok my friend. I suggest you add chocolate and ice cream to the healing process. Maybe some cookies too.

And you still have not answered that all important question: “What’s the CD?” :smiley:

Sorry for doubting you, Bosda! I should have known you wouldn’t prank something that serious.
I wish you a speedy recovery!

Very pretty.

Sorry to hear that, man. Don’t forget the watch in the list. Feel better. Oh. And include your helmet. Always replace a helmet after a major accident, and this counts. Trust me on this. Better to replace it than to have it snap while riding two weeks later.

Oh! Darn. Two seconds too late. One thing I did add to my bike before I stopped riding was a small air horn. For when you want to get someone’s attention real bad. You can find them at nautical stores. Cars can hear that, can’t hear bells.

Plus, nothing is cooler than being able to give off a huge HONk on a bicycle!

Oh and I second E Sabbath’s suggestion to replace the helmet.

I glad your reasonably okay but I now have the mental image of you as Pee-Wee Herman. :smiley:

Good Luck,

The “Young Guns 2” Soundtrack.

That’s awesome. I sometimes want to hear “Blaze of Glory” too!

Glad to hear you’re okay. I drove past a similar-sounding bicycle accident on Guadalupe in Austin yesterday, north of the UT campus. That wasn’t you, was it?