I Was Hit By A Car On My Bicycle Today.

I’m glad you’re OK, Bosda. Hope you feel better soon!

Whoa. So if you’re involved in an accident, and somebody sees it and calls the paramedics, they send you a bill afterwards?

I mean, I know in this case it’s his fault and he’s got insurance to pay it (although, is he going to pay your lawyer’s fees to write him a letter too?), but what if you were riding along and hit a rock you didn’t see, and the same thing happened?

Not unless you can see Tennessee from Austin. :dubious:

And I almost went out in a blaze of glory. Well, the front grille of a Chevy Blazer, anyway.

Yup. :smack:

I’ll still get the same bill. Could reach $1000.

:smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack:

makes notes
Not that I’m going to run my bike in front of a car or anything. Oh, no, that would be terrible. At least not with me on it.

Nooooooooooooooooooo!!! :mad: :mad:
Oh, and I’m glad you’re OK, Bosda. :slight_smile:

I’m so sorry. I came in here and made a joke, and didn’t wish **Bosda ** well or anything. Hope you’re OK, Bosda, and hope the insurance pays for everything.

Damn. soory to hear about it. It’s good that you’re OK, though.
I was hit on my way back from work circa six years ago. The guy very suddenly turned right into a drive, and I as next to him on my bike. Obviously he didn’t look (Did he signal? I don’t know – I was next to him). Didn’t hit me hard, but the front wheel was bent. It turned out my frame was cracked, too – but I couldn’t blame it on him, it had been deteriorating for some time, unbeknownst to me. I ended up getting a new bike. I wasn’t hurt at all, fortunately. He wasn’t going fast enough.

I am very glad you are ok.

Bikes can be replaced.

Dopers can’t, especially Dopers like Bosda.

The medics are going to send you a bill?!? What kind of place is Dogpatch, USA?
My fire company would send out a performace letter asking how we did on the call - which is basically code for, “We’re volunteers, please give us money,” but we’d never send a bill.

Glad to hear you’re okay.

Or in their spare tire.
I join the chorus of “they charge your for that??” Wouldn’t that be what part of local taxes are used for?

And the guy that hits someone on a bike path and drives away: :frowning: :mad:

He didn’t drive away.

Who said that? :confused:

Sorry; I was talking about E-Sabbath’s story.

Oh MAN. :eek: :frowning: Best wishes, Bosda, for a speedy recovery of both your physical wellbeing and all that you’ve lost.

Around here they charge you for ambulance rides, too. We had to pay $500 for a friend of mine to get carted to the hospital.

[hijack of horrible ER story]

A dear friend of ours had been having back trouble for some time, at least partly due to his walking several miles a day between work and home for a few years. He collapsed while we were shopping one fine evening – and believe me, it’s only funny in retrospect having a lot of geeks surrounding you with medical advice they got out of the 3.5 manual or the latest X-Men comic.

We called an ambulance, they strapped him to a body board, and we got to the hospital. It was about 7:30-8 pm.

Of course, as he worked a minimum-wage job for a small company, he had no medical insurance. He was put on a gurney in the hallway and mostly forgotten by the nurses. I learned that in order to get the attention of an ER nurse you may need to use physical shaking, as they don’t respond at all to eye contact or “Excuse me, ma’am? Sir?” or, for that matter, loud and impassioned screaming.

After all sorts of mishaps including a terrible bathroom accident (they shoved a mop at us) and watching the guy in the gurney down the hall (who came in later than us) get X-rayed and coddled and given pain medication and a room, we finally threw up our hands. I’ll never know how we did it, but we got our friend into a wheelchair and took him home under the very reasonable assumption that nobody there could or would do anything for him, and at least he’d be more comfortable at home.

And they had the nerve to accost one of us at the door for the ambulance/hospital expenses. None of us were relatives or anything, but obviously our friend couldn’t pay – his job required things like standing, walking, and squatting, and he wouldn’t be able to do that for a while – so while they technically couldn’t FORCE us to pay before we took him home, apparently they gave the weakest (but wealthiest, at least in the terms of a recent college graduate with a ten year old car and student loans) link among us quite a hassle.


Where is “around here”, Little Plastic Ninja?

Sorry Bosda. Hope you feel better soon and that you get a brand new spanking bike, complete with a little bell and a personalized “Bosda” license plate.


My brother had a bad accident a few months back. He slammed on his brakes to avoid a deer that had darted onto the highway. His car did a 360 before he ran off the road and crashed head-on into a tree. Fortunately he had only minor injuries, but he ended up with a $600 bill from the paramedics.


Sending more good wishes your way, Bosda!

Austin. Which is otherwise a very civilized place.

Yeesh, glad you’re pretty much okay.

I have quite a few friends who bike around San Francisco, and I hear these stories far too often. Speaking as a driver, it’s really not that fucking hard to not hit people.