I went camping this weekend. What'd you do?

I don’t actually care what you did this weekend. I was looking for a reason to show off the area in which I was camping.

This is what it looked like where I was. Stunning!

I did my toenails.
I don’t have any pics.

Well…I don’t care what you did either. :stuck_out_tongue: So there.

After all, I packed for a cross-country move this weekend. Bet you’re jealous. No need to deny it, I understand. Not everyone can be as cool as I am.

::Quietly moves across the room to chew her liver in peace::

(looks at photos) . … OK where do I buy the tickets?

nah really … it doesn’t look that great. It looks too wet and cold. And whats with all those green pointy trees.

Hey, Karmic, where was that?!

Anyway, I worked this weekend. I’m currently taking a course at work so instead of my usual on-site tour guiding, I got to do a couple of mall shows out at Denman Place. I even got to do a short bit on the Alligator Snapping Turtle. Nasty little begger! The one we take out is about 10-12 pounds and roughly 14 inches long. He could take a couple of fingers off, no problem.

The rest of the weekend I mostly shoveled - um, manure. Monday is my day off.


Lower Kananaskis Lake. About a half hour south of Transcanada Hwy on Kananaskis Trail. Just south of Nakiska.

I biked from Seattle to Portland - I camped in the middle, but nowhere near as beautiful as that…

I love the Canadian Rockies - they’re so gorgeous. I’m jealous. I’ll have to go back sometime next year.

$2,205.00, I had better start saving. The place looks beautiful.

Spent all day Saturday naked as the day I was born laying around the pool, drinking Margaritas, and playing backgammon.

Spent Sunday at the horse track and won about $50.

Not a bad weekend at all.

Went to a friend’s house and got beaten with sticks. Then on Sunday I went to the park and got beaten with sticks.

I think I need a new hobby.

You know, I spent the weekend doing the same thing! weird.

Ethilrist- SCA or BDSM? :smiley:

Yeah, like the Trondheim hammer dance…

Stonebow, you didn’t go with the axe, did you? I told you the 18"DHIBJD :eek: :eek: was a better weapon! :smiley:

SCA. My household practice is on Saturday, and my barony’s practice is on Sunday.

Oh, and I ran D&D Saturday night, too.

I went to karate camp for the weekend, up in the Poconos.

Good parts - I had an intro to aikido and to wing chun (Chinese boxing). I may make one of those my next martial art. Aikido is all about coordination, and wing chun is about having a light touch, both of which are skills I want to develop. Also, I got to try out a sai. (Japanese stabbing fork)

Bad part - I twisted my knee, which was already injured. I have to stay away from tae kwon do until I’ve seen the orthopedist, most likely next week, and have gotten a doctor’s okay to return.

One of the session options was to get beaten with sticks. One of the instructors is running a class in Philipene fighting sticks, and he held a session on stick sparring.

Mrs. D and I went to Cedar Point Amusement Park for the weekend. We left Friday afternoon with the weather being beautiful. We stayed in the hotel in Sandusky, OH that night and woke up Sat. AM to RAIN, RAIN, and more RAIN! It rained all morning, finally breaking in the afternoon, so we did get to ride some coasters, but we never did get to ride “Top Thrill Dragster” nor did we get onto “Milenium Force”. It was overall a good day, but I truely wish it had not rained though.

Friday night I waved buh-bye to LilMiss. Went to play bingo. Lost money.
Saturday I watched movies, cleaned, napped. After she came home Saturday night we went to see the fireworks at a local carnival. Was systematically devoured by skeeters.
Sunday. Slept in. Late. Stumbled out of bed around 1030. ~sniff~ it was beautiful, man. Went downstairs after a breakfast of waffles and milk. Worked on getting pics uploaded of my nephew’s wedding and our SDak vacation. Realized I still have pics to get developed, but that’s okay.

That’s about it.

Oh, how pretty! And your family is lovely, too.

We rented a Texas Hill Country cabin and swam and fished alot. It was beautiful (but not quite as beautiful as your spot). I got a spider bite on my butt, though. Can ya beat that?!

Had Friday off, so I drove Mom to the doc’s, and then cleaned the garage. Junked the beater car in there, so I can now get my functional car in the garage. :slight_smile:

Puttered around all afternoon doing minor outdoor projects. Hired a guy to fix my broken concrete, and repair the damaged stucco.

Cleaned house Saturday. It was beautiful outside, but we had guests coming by Sat night, so it had to be done.

Worked on a plumbing project Sunday. Got it 90% done, but need to attach the shower tomorrow.

Had a nice dinner Sunday night, with just me and 30 of my closest friends. Made Banana’s Foster over a campfire for the first time. Dem’s good eatin’!!! :smiley: