I wish I was GAY

That may be the case somewhere in Utah, but I have a hunch come 2006 even places like this will be hook-up central.

Okay, it’s common… just not so common as to be universal. I definitely haven’t been having a whole lot of no-strings sex. I’d get all guilty-feelin’. You’re right, though, that it’s probably a lot easier to get sex on the first date with a gay guy than with a straight girl.

This reminds me of a client I saw for marriage therapy.

Him: She wants to talk about dumb stuff.
Me: Like what?
Him: Like what her mom is doing, or what the kids did today.
Me: So what would be something that wouldn’t be dumb to talk about?
Him: Well, NASCAR or something.
Me: (in my head) Lost cause!

To say you can’t have a real intellectual bond with a woman is nonsense. As long as you have more than one topic of conversation, I think you will find us to be…oh, I don’t know…human.

Damn…just because there’s a shortage of toasters this season doesn’t mean you have to get all heartless.


Dude, why don’t you just go to a website called Adult Friends Network, where you can join and have all the sex you want until your head bursts?

And don’t flame my ass for saying this or make out like I’m some F-Wit adman…I have ran across adverts for this all over the net where I have roamed…Knock yourself out…

And NO, I haven’t tried it myself…Just read the billboards and wondered how many people there have gotten something ugly that penicillin won’t fix…

ArgentTowers, perhaps another species is what you need. What are your feelings about livestock? Specifically of the bovine persuasion. Those big liquid brown eyes, the heavy swaying udders, the velvety smooth ears. Mmmmmmmm- boy howdy! Maybe you’d like you some cow.

I can’t go to bars. I’m not old enough.

Anyone who’s curious to hear more conversation about this should go to this thread in the pit.

C’mon, he’s horny and frustrated. Walk a mile with his dick before you criticize him. Then when you do criticize him, you’ll be a mile away and you’ll have his dick.

Trousers?! Be careful, there, baby. Next thing you know, you’ll be sitting around, watching the 24/7 sports channel, drinking beer, belching, and not bathing.
The Committee will have to come reposess those little sequined numbers in the back of the closet. And poof, there goes your hope for a toaster.
Unless, of course, the trousers are Italian silk. :cool:

  • Gasp * I don’t… I won’t! Don’t let me catch teh strate!

[teen girl squad]Ow! My pride![/teen girl squad]

  • hangs head * Cotton-polyester. :frowning:

Wait… do I get any credit if they’re another man’s pants? I got them used at a work uniforms store. They still have the dry-cleaner’s barcode on them that says “Gerald Duncar”, and that’s not my name. Gerald is a complete stranger, and I’ve got myself into his pants! That’s gotta count for something, right??

Hahahahahahahahaa!! End up like that guy in California that got boogered by the horse…

Hum, but not visa versa? but then he’d be in his own pants…
Welll, ok. But surely, you can borrow some sequins, or Italian silk, at least ocasionally??
Think of it as being in the Drag-Queen Reserves. One week-end a month? :smiley:

Hey! I’m a teenager and act nothing like this.

If you weren’t raised by howler monkeys, your’s was probably just more civilized. :smiley:

Why can’t a woman be more like a man?
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historic’ly fair;
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
Well, why can’t a woman be like that?
Why does ev’ryone do what the others do?
Can’t a woman learn to use her head?
Why do they do ev’rything their mothers do?
Why don’t they grow up- well, like their father instead?
Why can’t a woman take after a man?

Ha! That is exactly what was running through my head when I read the OP. AT, you should change your username to 'enry 'iggins.

Now that this all seems to have runs its course, may I suggest:

Men and women: Communications

I just had to bump this, to link this:

As an ode to NSA sex. Though, worth noting, it still involves being decent and communicating. Go figure.

I’m a girl and I have to agree that dating just sucks. It’s so phony. I can get along with guys just fine, but when it’s supposed to be a date, God help me, I’d rather be darning socks. I am so happy I may never have to do that whole dating thing again and the most amusing part of my current relationship is it started as a no strings attached fling. One of my male friends was like “Hey, I find you attractive, wanna make out and have fun in the three weeks before you move cross country. We might not ever see each other again, but hey, it’ll be cool while it lasts.” I was horny and sleep deprived at the time, so I said “Sure, why the hell not.” We both went into knowing it would end in less than a month. Right … it’s turned into a long distance relationship with plans for him to join me in California in two months. Although it did require communication, so you might still be out of luck, but hey, if I found someone, there is always hope.

Oh, and I don’t think you’re a bad person or whatever for your opinions, I can understand them.

On your next birthday, as you blow out the candles mommy carefully arranged and lit, repeat this wish silently three times. It will work.