a movie or a book in which a white guy goes to a native tribe, and learns their ways, and becomes one of them - and then the chieftain’s daughter will have nothing to do with him, preferring to marry the man she’s always loved her entire life. Not to mention, the man she’s about to marry soundly beats the ass of the white guy and they show how six months of training in their ways will not beat a lifetime of living their lives.
[li]a heist movie without a double, triple, or quadruple-cross (etc.) between the thieves.[/li][li]a truly terrifying cerebral horror movie that doesn’t use jump scares or gore.[/li][li]12 consecutive issues of Playboy without airbrushing or plastic surgery.[/li][li]numerous open atheists holding high-ranking political offices.[/li][li]the national anthem officially changed to “This Land is Your Land.”[/li][li]HFCS-free Coca-Cola Classic stateside.[/li][li]Marijuana decriminalized.[/li][li]Organized religion taxed.[/li][li]The death of corporate FM radio.[/li][/ul]
I’be mentioned before that when I served on a jury in a murder trial last year, every one of the participants fit the Law & Order stereotype, from the big black guy/little Hispanic guy cop partners, to the streetwise black defense attorney with the short twist hairstyle, to the no-nonsense older woman medical examiner, to the cute bubbly blonde forensic expert who testified about the DNA evidence. It was amusing and bizarre at the same time.
IWLTS a bronze-age Homer or other ancient Greek epic where people aren’t dressed 1,000 years wrong. Aegean bronze-age clothing was spectacular, especially for the women, but they always put them in white sheets.
I’d settle for one in which all the various female characters are somewhat in the realm of believability age-wise. I’m sick to death of the highly-touted, brilliant, experienced PhD/Detective/Lawyer looks all of 20 years old.
That would be great. How about a general suspension of the rule that the audience must have a white guy to identify with in any story set in a different culture?
And believe me, I love to see Jessica Alba in a movie, but she does not make a convincing physicist, even in a superhero movie in which she can turn invisible.
I would like Assassin’s Creed 3 to have a female protagonist. Why not? The premise could work perfectly with the Native Americans. As a matter of fact, I would like to see more females as default for games and movies and books. We’re half the population, and yet Bioware had to issue a special trailer for Female Shephard? Come on!
I also want this:
a truly terrifying cerebral horror movie that doesn’t use jump scares or gore.
And I would like 50% less use of airbrushing in model photos.
Funny story about the making of The Battle Of Algiers, don’t know if it’s true or not, but here goes:
Pontecorvo, the director, was presented with an idea.
“Hey, what if you do a film about a good-looking white American journalist who gets stuck in the Algerian war for independence, and he’s torn and conflicted because on one hand he sees that the Algerians are using some pretty terrible methods, but on the other hand the French do too, and though the Algerians deserve their freedom and blah blah and should he just report the news or should he get involved and it gets more and more personal for him and blah blah and finally he kinda has to choose sides but he kinda can’t and oh my god we can do close-ups where he cries because he FEELS SO MUCH and doesn’t know what to do and holy shit we’re gonna win all the Oscars in the world!”
And Pontecorvo says “Yeah, OK, sounds good… But let’s cut out the American.”
And that’s what the film is: Just the French and the Algerians going at it for a couple of hours, with no conflicted American white guy stuck in the middle for the audience to identify with.
Because Female Assassin would be wearing a string bikini made of cow leather with tomahawks strung around her waist and feather nipple tassels. It’s the law of video gaming, the main trait of all protagonist chicks is sexiness.
I’d also like to see fantasy movies with battle scenes that don’t mimic Peter Jackson’s LOTR almost shot for shot.
editing to add - Anamika - I remember back in the 70s we thought we would be able to wipe out gender stereotyping, starting in the toy aisle, moving on the TV commercials, then the world. HA! Toys more divided into gender ghettos than ever. Commercials - why are the people using house cleaning products always female? I agree, it’s sad.
I thought about that one too. I remember a mid-90s show starring Tiffany Thiessen from Saved By the Bell in which she was a police lieutenant even though she could not have been more than 24 or so. Law and Order wasn’t as bad about this as it could have been since the characters’ jobs were usually age appropriate but the improbable thing was that Jack McCoy had six or seven supermodels working as his assistant in a row.