I would like to shoot many people at excite.com

Has she tried CCing herself the forwarded message? She’ll end up with a forwarded message, but that’s better than no message at all.

Just thought I’d make another comment,

No, it isn’t. In those cases, I save often. To my hard drive AND a disk. Oh, and thank you for not being judgemental. I mean, shit, its not like there are special cases, or any thing.

Thoughtful, helpful, brief:wink:

I’m impressed.

WTG The Ryan

It’s probably too late now, but sometimes you can recover lost stuff by searching on your folder “Temporary Internet Files” for a word that was in your text.
It may still be there, depending on your settings (and blind luck).

Relic is a regular. The Duck hath spoken. :smiley:

Relic, sweetie, I’m sorry your life is in the toilet lately. I’d give you a hug except this is the Pit. So I’ll content myself with coming over there and giving you a well-meaning but perhaps teeny bit too hard punch on the shoulder. [sup]oof[/sup]

[sup]sorry, babe, you okay?[/sup]

Hang in there. :wink:

BTW, Juno has yet to lose any of MY e-mail. :smiley: But then, I don’t normally pour my heart out to Juno. Most of my e-mail consists of family stuff, “We’ll be there on Saturday”, “okay”, “you left a plate here”, “okay”… Real cosmic stuff. :rolleyes:

P.S. Most excellent rant! Briskly flaming and intensely personal. 9.8. :smiley:

B’gawd you’re right.
I didn’t even read it that close. Sorry relic- you are, and it is.

Quit gettin mushy.

Thisz the pit, fer christ’s sake…

They like me! They really like me!

I am? Don’t be playin’ with me, now… :smiley:
Regular, shmegular, I like it here. No, I don’t, I love it!

[sub]OW! Jaysus![/sub]Yeah, DDG, I’m fine! Heh, heh! What, ya think I can’t take it? [sub]limps away… Why I’m limping when you hit me on the shoulder, I don’t know…[/sub]

So, yourself. All I said was that I find it offensive. I’m not allowed to express an opinion? Interesting stance from someone claiming they should be allowed to post as they please. Quit being an ass.

Didn’t even imply that, much less say it.

Please see above riposte.
I refer you to your last sentence.

Whatever you intended, this statement, to me, implies you believe I shouldn’t be allowed to express my opinions as fully as anyone else.

Oohh, a fat joke. My Claus-like bowlfull of jelly is just a-rollin’ with that one. By the way, I’m 6’-0" and 204 lbs. Call it fat if ya want, I don’t care.
[Edited by UncleBeer on 02-20-2001 at 11:21 AM]

Relic, I understand you were upset. But you can’t, you really can’t threaten to kill people on a server owned by the Chicago Reader, not even if you were joking or exagerrating.

Now, Inor:

“Don’t tell me how to post!”
“Don’t tell me that I can’t tell you how to post!”
“Don’t tell me that I can’t tell you that you can’t tell me how to post!”
“Don’t tell me that I can’t tell you to stop telling me to tell you that I can’t post to tell you to stop telling me how to post!”

Sounds a little silly, no?

Just take a deeeeeep breath, and slowly back away from the keyboard. No sudden moves, now. Goood. Reeeeaaaal smooth. Relax, son. Now, put your hands on top of your head, sloooowly…and turn around. We’ll have these cuffs on you in no time…

Alrighty then…



Fer Chirst’s sweet sake…
And lemur, get that stick outta yer ass, it ain’t pretty. In fact, it offends me.

Is that a threat to inor? GASP Run inor! He’s capable of ANYTHING!!!

UB- my whole point was that you were needlessy rude. You have done nothing in this thread to make me change my mind.
Not that you can’t post any way you want, not that you can’t express yourself as fully as anyone else, not that I should get to say anything I want to.
Putting words in my mouth.
You were needlessly rude and ham-handed and what’s that crap about what you do to your subordinates? What the hell does that bit of gratuitous boorishness have to do with anything that was under discussion? Unless you’re comparing those of us that had participated in this thread to that point to some kind of inferior employee? Because that’s what it seems like.
As for the whiny little fusspot- I reckon we’re even on the insults.

Lemur, please see above Not statements.
And my previous posts in this thread.
Now, go slow here, compare all this with what you are are saying I’m saying. You might have to do it once or twice.

And I’d love to see some credentials entitling you to make editorial policy regarding The Chicago Reader, or these boards.
And your grade-school report cards- No where in the title or op did she threaten to kill anyone, jokingly or otherwise. She (obviously jokingly) was saying what she would LIKE to do.

I have said all I care to regarding this matter- you two have fun if you care to.

(wh)inor, who is most definitely not cuffed, nor whiny, and most assuredly not a ‘little fusspot’

Good point, thank you, inor.
Never once did I say I was going to kill anyone, just that I’d like to. In fact, even that isn’t true, because I don’t want to kill anyone. Again, it’s a way of speaking. Like saying something is “cool.” It may not be cool in the sense if temperature, but it can be taken in a diffrent way, n’est pas?

What’s n’est pas mean and how do you pronounce it?

I jsut love German, it’s soooo romantic…:wink:

(I get the feeling you’re joshin me, but I’ll answer anyway on the chance my radar is off)
Pronounced nes pa and means, well, kinda like “isn’t it?”

I missed french class because j’ai malade (I was sick). I feel guilty…

I love Germans! They’re soooooooo cough**cough
(inside joke, sorry…)

Off subject- Merde! Are the boards creepin’ today, or what? I can read War and Peace in the time it takes to load a page!

Relic, of course I know that you were merely expressing frustration in a poetic way, and I agree that the people who are responsible for releasing bad software should pay, and pay, and pay. I’m just pointing out that a moderator has to take such things a little differently than a regular human. No big deal.

Now, Inor. See, this is why these threads never work. I comment on what you said, you get offended, I get offended, everybody’s upset. THAT was the point of my little pretend dialog, not that you literally had such and such an exchange with such and such a person. The original point is forgotten because people get upset.

And see, here’s proof! I try to point out in a light-hearted way why this doesn’t work, and you get annoyed at me. See?

relic_11, back to french class for you!

That would be “n’est*-ce** pas*” and “I was sick” would be “j’étais malade”.

Ah, now you say so. My point, in mentioning my subordinates, was, and still is, if something bugs you so much you need to start a Pit thread concerning it, why in the name of gazpacho, would you continue the very activity that lies at the root of your aggravation? Additionally, when I said I made my charges redo their work on their own time, I’m attempting to impart a lesson from the real world. Mainly, foolish practices have real world costs.

As for the whiny little fusspot- I reckon we’re even on the insults.[/qote]
Not anymore, mooncalf.

UncleBeer, what makes relic’s post different from many others that threaten physical violence?

For example, Dog lovers: devise a new punishment in hell for this asshole.

Sorry to hijack your thread, relic but I’m just curious.