I would like to shoot many people at excite.com

See, that would be why I’m in a french review class! :o Merci, Monsieur Arnold! Je suis desole! (I don’t know how to do accents)

No problem, LaurAnge, I want to know too.

I knew it was french, but didn’t know the meaning or pronunciation- so yah, I was joshin ya a little bit. I chose German because besides Navaho or Tag a log, I couldn’t think of anything that would sound more unlike French- I was kinda making a joke at my expense.
So thanks for the info- it’s soo cool to finally know how to say that and what it means- and the other info too.

As for the boards crawling- damn- I’m actually getting some work done! More timeouts than I like—bleah!

…I am going to go postal.

…I’m going to kill my dog

I hope and pray for this woman’s death.

Virus Starters Should Get the Death Penalty!

Then starve to death, you homeless fuck!

To Rev Jackson – Drop Dead!

Donald Blom should suffer a horrible, terrible, torturous death

I hope Gl0worm dies a slow, painful death.

Eh, I don’t have any problem with Relic’s thread title. Looks to me like she’s in good company. Matt_mcl, Saint Zero, Homer, Wildest Bill, Silver Fire, Tristan, Manhattan, Woodstockbirdybird…


DDG, have I told you lately that I love you… :wink:

What’s different? Coupla things.
[li]I haven’t read or even opened the thread you reference. Since I haven’t read it, obviously I cannot make more of a statement on it. Also, you should not suppose that simply because I haven’t commented on it, that I condone or approve. I do not.[/li][li]Gun violence carries a horrible social stigma that rubs off on legitimate gun owners. As an owner of a shockingly large collection of firearms, I’m maybe a bit more sensitive to threats of gun violence than other types. Us law-abiding gun-owning citizens are under enough of an attack from those who wish to take our guns away without reactionary and reckless comments like this. Many of those gun-control advocates see statements of the type relic has made to hold merit. They believe anyone with a gun holds a certain type of personality that could cause them to snap at anytime from the least provocation. So, senseless threats like this are counter-productive to my interests.[/li][/list=1]

How’s that?


Well, okay, I suppose you have your reasons for being sensitive about guns, but you DO realize that physical violence is threatened very often on this board, in many different ways, not just in the thread I linked to, but also all the ones DDG linked to, also?

Maybe people who own large collections of baseball bats would get offended if someone threates to shove a bat up someone’s ass.

Okay, I realise I’ve lost coherency, and will be quiet now.

Carry on! :wink:

I don’t have a problem with relic’s post, but I do think it’s different from most of the linked threads. Here they are, with the offending text from each OP:

  1. Dog lovers: devise a new punishment in hell for this asshole.
    pugluvr: It seems to me that the tortures described in Dante’s “Inferno” are too mild for this character

  2. …I am going to go postal.
    matt_mcl: I hope you all choke to death on steroid pills, girlfriends!!

  3. …I’m going to kill my dog
    Homer: Fucking dog. She’s lucky to be alive right now.

  4. I hope and pray for this woman’s death.
    Tristan: Given the chance I would kill them both. they are a disease and should be cleansed from the earth. I would like to burn them both alive. They should both die slowly, from Cancer or AIDS, or radiation poisoning. I know that this isn’t much of a pit rant, but it’s hard to put how I feel about this into words. Neither one of them deserve to live, and I would gladly slit the throats of either of them.

  5. Virus Starters Should Get the Death Penalty!
    Wildest Bill: Anyway I think virus starters should be given the death penalty slowly and painfully. How about put their evil fingers on a keyboard that shocks them periodically or when they doze off to sleep until they are dead from lack of sleep or starvation? I sure hope I get to serve on jury one day that is deciding the fate of one of these pathetic dweebs.

  6. Then starve to death, you homeless fuck!
    woodstockbirdybird: But now I hope you go through some heinous withdrawals, you big pile of ass. The only reason I didn’t kick you in the nuts right there is that I pity you more than I loathe you.

  7. To Rev Jackson – Drop Dead!
    Saint Zero: Go to Hell, Jesse. Come back with some facts.

  8. Donald Blom should suffer a horrible, terrible, torturous death
    Silver Fire: Fucking stupid, heartless son of a bitch. I can’t take it anymore.

  9. I hope Gl0worm dies a slow, painful death.
    manhattan: And if the board feels compelled to turn off HTML because of your stupid, illegal and immoral stunt, I hope you get cancer and die a slow painful death. Actually, you know what? I already hope you get cancer and die a slow painful death. But only after seeing each and every one of your relatives waste away from that flesh-eating disease.
    Except for 3 and 4 (and maybe 6), I don’t think any of these are threatening anyone with physical violence. All of them are wishing death on the targets of the posts, but most of them don’t express a desire to kill them themselves. It’s a fine line, sure, but there’s a difference.

I would like to once again state that I don’t have a problem with relic’s post, (or the other nine, for that matter); they obviously all just needed to vent. I also don’t believe that any of the above-mentioned posters actually wanted the subjects of their vitriol to die, although some of them might have.

Sooo, I’m alowed to say I wish someone dead, but not that I’d like to kill them? I’m alowed to say I’d like to kill someone, but not shoot them? WTF???

I give UP people! I’ll say what I want, if you don’t like it, remember that I’m not going to go DO it!


Jesus Christ. The drama is totally unnecessary, relic. Settle down and read the actual words. No one in here has said that you are not allowed to post statements of either type. All I said, is that I found your statement expressing the desire to “shoot many people” offensive. Several people have agreed with me; several people have disagreed with me. That’s all that’s happened. To mantain otherwise is ludicrous. If you’d turn off the indignation, and apply some thought to the posts here, you’d realize that.

Seriously. Re-read the damned thread.

All those rational arguments, the vast number of law-abiding owners, the Second damn’ Amendment, all of that, it’s all going to be wadded up and thrown in the trash because Relic used hyperbole. Boo hoo. Poor baby. Take your PC attitude and cram it, dimwit.

What can I say. I am a dramatic person who talks violent.

And I like it.


Apologies for taking so long to respond…I haven’t been able to check all my email lately! :wink:

I usually have been forwarding them back to her, but I will suggest that very thing to her. We were just stumped as to what was actually going on!
Thanks so much for the advice!

Ya know, I was gonna let this go, but fuck that.

How many of you here really think it’s okay to run around making threats of shooting people? I would find that attitude astounding. For those of you with children, do you allow them to speak of killing their playmates, or do you tell them it ain’t nice and they shouldn’t do it? Would you condone someone else’s child saying to your kids?

And this has nothing to do with “politcal correctness,” don Jaime. This is more like common decency and respect for fellow humans.

I personaly see no diffrence between saying “I would like to shoot someone” and “I would like someone to die.”

Yes, I would tell my children not to say things like that, but I’d also tell them not to say “fuck.” But I will not censor them. Nor do I feel I have a right to tell another adult what to say, or even tell another persons child what they can and cannot say. YES, I can tell someone I’m offended, but I would try to say that in a non-offensive manner. THAT, UncleBeer, is why I have such a problem with what you said. If you said something along the lines of “You know, I don’t like what you said and here’s why,” I would have apoligzed. But what you did was follow your statement of dislike with another statement implying I was acting stupidly. Which got my wind up. And I did apoligize, and state my reasons for saying what I said. And you stated why it offended you. And yet, I’m not going to go around not saying things because it might upset someone, somewhere.
Is your problem with me, or what? Just asking for clairafication…

::inor thinking- participants are inor, on the one hand, and inor, OTOH::

{Dude! 'Joo see that chick? Dude, she was lush, man!
Yah, I know man, she was hot. But she’s too young for us.
Hey man, what’s up with Uncle Beer anyway? And that Lemur guy? I mean, shit, did you see what they did?
Dude, don’t worry 'bout it, y’know?
Yeah, but 'joo see how they back-pedaled? I mean, WTF zup with that??
Hey man, don’t worry about it- Lemur probably was almost out of his 'Clever in a Can[sup]tm[/sup] and it looks like he was working on lesson three out the Evelyn Wood Speed Sarcasm for Slow Typists workbook, don’t worry about it- we’re not going back there.
k, dude…dude, hee hee, Uncle Boor. hee hee
Haw haw haw hee. Dude, knock it off…we gotta get some oil at kmart, don’t forget, k?
k. Hey man, you think Amy at work likes us?
Dude, she’s hot. You think she has a boyfriend?
Ion’t know man. She’s hot though…
Hey, we should tell Uncle Beer 'Oh yeah? Well your 200lbs, 6+ frame ain’t got a chance against my 165lbs of swingin steel and sex appeal!
snng snnng snng, dude…
yeah, that’d be kewl
Dude, you said kewl!
hee heee- yah, I know we ain’t sayin that anymore…
Hey man, but he has guns! So he’s pro-gun!
Dude, yeah, but man, that makes me more worried about him than like him. I mean, sure, shows he’s got some brainah mattah, but shit, he’s like, mean or something, y’know? And all covering his ass and shit by bringing up all these excuses and shit…
yeah, dude. Still, I thought it was pretty cool to find that out.
Yeah, it was ok, I guess. But man, what a lame thing to do- 8 miles later say ‘oh yeh, this is why I was so mad…’- it was like, so contrived man…
yeah. Dude, them slammin us? hee hee- it’s like Calvin against Hobbes!
Yeah! It’s like Family Circus against Calvin AND Hobbes!
Heee Yeehee haw haw
It’s like ‘Randy and his lame guitar’ down at the Filling Station on acoustic night against AC/DC! Yeah!
dude, it’s like fuckin HR Pufinstuff against Stephen fuckin Hawking AND Carl Sagan, except, like if Carl Sagan wasn’t dead or nothing, and if Stephen Hawking had, like, a tricked out, chromed and smoked wheelchair, and had cooler hair…
yeah man, that’s what I’m about…
hmmmm humm hummhuuumm…
DUDE! man, that’s gross and shit- don’t be doin that! What if you get a girlfriend and you’re all pickin your nose and lookin at it like that?
dude, I won’t man, k?
Dude, better not man. God, I wanna get laid…
o man- you got that all kindsa right, dude…
Hey man, we should go slam those 12 year old luddites in Krickets child support thread, man, they deserve it! Fuckers don’t know shit about shit man, and talkin out their freshman asses!
Naw, Dude, there’s gettin to be some reasonable voices over there, and besides man, Kricket’s handling ‘em pretty good- way nicer than you would…
yeah…I know, still, it just pisses me off, that kinda shit.
dude? we should go start a pretty thing thread in IMHO- see what people think we should do nice for ourselves. Cuz that was soooo cool, having a pit thread in our name, even if it was only for a few minutes. Fuckin Coldy hee hee- I laughed so hard! He did good man.
Hey, whaddya think a moon calf is?
i dunno. I was thinkin it’s like some kinda calf, with a big fat white face or something. whatchoo think it is?
Dude, I dunno either. Think he was serious? I mean, cuz what kinda insult is that?
Hee hee, Family freakin Circus
hee hee
Yeah, but no, seriously dude? You think he was jokin or serious? I mean, cuz that’s something we would do as a joke…
yah, it’s hard to tell. he’s still givin shit to relic, least lemur saw how lame he was showin up and seems to have backed off. I dunno man.
Lets just forget about it huh?
yah dude- cool on that. man, just got paid, hadda pit thread, even got a bonus last week and got off the damn box last night long enoug to play with the dogs and walk’ em. And, AND, you didn’t come back to relics thread and say anything what you were thinking- DUDE! SCORE!
Yeah man, I’m proud of us. I think we should go do something pretty for ourselves.
dude, I’m all about that…}

Riiiiiiiiiiight… :wink:

I know this is just nitpicking, but that was not the line I was referring to. I was thinking more of lines like:

“Throw him into traffic a few times.”
“Death by Pachyderm-inflicted butt-rape”
“Remember, I would indeed not hesitate to run over that guy if he stepped in front of my car…”
The point is, similar things have been said before, UncleBeer was offended by this one in particular, relic didn’t think it was offensive.

Can’t we all just kiss and make up?

Ah. I see what you mean. I thought we were just discussing the OPs for the threads, at least, that’s what I got from DDG’s post containing the other 8 linked threads. I would certainly agree that the ones you just provided fall into the threatening of violence category. (And we just got a new example last night - Space Vampire’s Hooray for the illegality of marijuana!)

I agree that it’s been done before, I was just saying that I think there’s a difference between saying “I want to kill you” and “I hope you die.” A small difference, but it’s there. I told relic twice that I didn’t have any problem with her post, and I still don’t. She was just venting.

Sure. :smiley: