I bought some ibuprofen a couple of days ago and left it in my car. I would assume it’s still OK, but I thought I’d go ahead and ask.
I bought some ibuprofen a couple of days ago and left it in my car. I would assume it’s still OK, but I thought I’d go ahead and ask.
Ibuprofen is rather thermally stable until it’s melting point (somewhere in the 75C range) and tends to break down in a single step, rather than a gradual sloughing off of chemical decomposition products, if I am correctly recalling some lab work I did years ago.
I’m reasonably certain that ibuprofen tablets from pretty much any manufacturer would have successfully completed accelerated stability testing of at least 6 months stored at 40 C/75% RH, so a couple of days in a hot car is probably not a big deal.
I wouldn’t worry about using these tablets (or capsules or whatever they are) while they are still within their expiration date. Feel free to do a search on my username and the word “stability” to know more than you care to know about how I feel about advising people to use drugs past their expiration dates