iceland_blue in hospital

Sadly I havent made it back, I had breathing difficulties on the way to victoria and spent the night in trying to make it home now.any helpappreciated.

[telephone number removed]

Question: If you’re stuck in London, what’s the use in posting a Torquay phone number?

Really sorry to hear that ~ apparently you can book tickets on Megabus for a quid, and there’s one about 4pm on a Sunday. If you’re stuck for a way home that might work…

It’s never a good idea to post a telephone number on a public message board.

You’re more than welcome to ask folks to e-mail you for said number.

We hope you’re feeling better soon, Iceland_Blue.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB

Sorry to hear that. Hope you manage to get things sorted.

Thanks.I’ve now made it safely home where I’ll be recuperating after having spent the night having various tubes and machines attached and tests done. I’m getting the GP to do further tests as we think as well as the Asperger’s, I might have epilepsy too. Early night tonight for me :frowning:
Apologies for the phone number. At the time it seemed a good idea but then I’d been wandering the streets of London for an hour or two trying to remember enough to make my way home.
At least you didn’t get me asking if I was dead like I did to the ambulance crew…

Ouch. Good to hear you made it back safely.

Sorry to hear your evening took such a downward turn at the end, especially after the excellent (if grueling) quiz you gave us. Here’s hoping for a non-serious diagnosis.

Hope you feel better!

Have now slept for 11 hours solid zzz…and am being booked in for more tests. This is the third attack in three months and they think it’s definitely epilepsy and not just panic attacks. They’re also going to look at schizophrenia. They’re pretty sure it’s not that, but just to make sure.
If it is,then there will be several of me attending the next DopeFest :slight_smile:

You may have multiple personality disorder ASWELL as the possibility of schizophrenia?! :eek: :wink:

Sorry, couldn’t resist. Ex psychology student…

Admit it. You’re jealous. :slight_smile:

Hope you’re better soon, Blue!

Schizophrenia? :eek: Well, that would certainly suck!!

Not that epilepsy wouldn’t totally suck also. Presumably they can control that with medication though.

Is there a possible link between the Asperger’s and the epilepsy? I know there’s a correlation between autism and seizures (my nephew has both) but I think of that more in the case of a lower-functioning individual rather than an Aspie.

Anyway - glad you’re feeling better for the moment, and very glad that the ambulance crew didn’t say “Yes sir!” to that question about being dead!!


I’m very sorry to hear that you’re unwell. I was wondering what had happened to you. Send me an email if you need anything.


Iceland_Blue, glad you’re safely home, and hope the medical types figure out what’s wrong as well as a good way to handle it, soon!

Well it’s not as bad as the last one I had when I thought the folks trying to help me were aliens coming to take me away.

And a pitting to the ‘Help Point’ at Victoria Coach Station. When I arrived turning blue and choking and asked for First Aid they told me I would have to get myself to a hospital. Yeah thanks.
Home cooking,a nice hot bath and a comfy bed seem to be helping :slight_smile:

hugs and many smooches for Iceland_Blue As the resident goddess of love, I feel it’s my duty to pass a whole lot extra your way today, from all the Dopers here–including me. :wink:

Get better soon!