So Monday was happening, I was just hanging out working at my computer desk. Next thing I know I’m laying on the floor with coworkers fussing over me and I couldn’t remember a damned thing. One of the fussing coworkers told me I had a seizure, then I was hauled away in an ambulance. They kept asking me questions like, ''What year is it?" and ''Where do you work?" and I hadn’t a damned clue. Eventually, my memory came back, but it took a good 20 minutes. And the nausea was intense.
At the hospital, they did a CT scan with no abnormal results, so they sent me home. I crawled into bed and promptly had another seizure – that’s two in the space of just a few hours. Back to the hospital I went, and I stayed in outpatient observation for two days. According to witnesses, these were the full-out convulsing kind of seizures for 2-3 minutes at a time.
Among the weirder results – my kidney function was abnormal, possibly due to dehydration, and I tested positive for ecstasy.
Anyway, this wasn’t my first rodeo. In 2013 something similar happened to me while I was on a hike. They took me away in an ambulance, did an EEG then and there were no abnormal readings so they just let me go and said, ''Well, it happens."
Now that I’ve had three confirmed seizures, though, I’m officially diagnosed with epilepsy. I can’t drive for 6 months. My work schedule is going to be all jacked up (though luckily they are willing to work with me/let me work from home if necessary.) They put me on this medication called Keppra, and I was pulled off Wellbutrin which according to my shrink is ‘‘contraindicated for seizures.’’ That really blows me for me personally because Wellbutrin is the only antidepressant I’ve ever taken that works.
So, brave new world for me. It’s scary thinking I could have a seizure at any moment, and I have no warning whatsoever, not an aura or anything like that, that would indicate I am about to have an event. So I am afraid to use the stove, or sit in a bath, or hold a knife, or do a number of other things that might hurt me.
I’m sure there are Dopers out there who have been through this, and maybe have some pointers? Or just commiseration. This has been a truly bizarre experience all around.
Thanks for listening,