iConnecthere.com, you're a bunch of thieves. Smart thieves, but fucking thieves still

I didn’t read all of the replies (because I am at work and have time constraints, lol) BUT there is a free version of PalTalk available at PalTalk.com

You can make “phone calls” over your pc to each other.

Or you can open a private chat room and talk to each other simply by pressing down the Ctrl key.

It’s great and it’s free. And if you want to use your cams, go right ahead.

That really stinks, Coldfire!
I think that you should file a complaint, even if it is only thirty bucks. Assgoblin companies like this count on the majority of their dissatisfied customers not putting up much of a fight over a small amount of money. All that “expired” money adds up. :mad:

Really? See, therein lies the porblems of interpreting irony in a text-based medium. I actually thought that Janie’s small-text disclaimer at the bottom of her post indicated seriousness. And i still think, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, that it was a reasonable interpretation.

That’s how I read it too, mhendo. But it could have been tongue-in-cheek, in hindsight, what with all the French-bashing that’s been going on as of late.


Your real name is Jasper?

Wow! One of my horses’ name is Jasper.

That’s too funny. I have a pet groundhog named Scylla!

I’m not kidding.

He’s a great big blood bay quarterhorse out of Poco Bueno. He’s a big handsome sonofabitch, too.

Well, you named him aptly, then. So am I. Well, except for the quarterhorse and Poco Bueno part. :smiley:

My cat’s name is Jasper - that’s where my user name comes from. He’s such a sweet guy. Maybe he’s not names so aptly? :smiley:

Coldfire, I would guess that you can still get your money back, terms of service or not. Don’t just e-mail – find a number and start calling, and start writing letters. Call customer service; if they pass the buck, ask for supervisors; if they too pass the buck, call the corporate headquarters, and don’t let go. Customer service costs these companies money, and they usually have policies to refund in the cases of upset customers.

Be reasonable but insistent. You paid for a service you never got because of their inability to render that service.

Good advise, but I’m located in Amsterdam. Going through the customer service threadmill and sending the subsequent letters would cost me more than $30, most likely.

I’m in the States in 3 weeks time, however, I have better things to do then than to call iConnecthere.com. :wink:

But yeah, you’re right. Perhaps I’ll give it a go.

This confuses me, then. There is a town in Colorado called “Nederland.”

It’s in the mountains.


Heh. Well, my guess is that it was founded by Dutchmen, back in the day. Lots of towns in the US are called Netherland, Nederland, or just plain named after Dutch cities. Amsterdam, Texas comes to mind.

Then there’s stuff like Harlem (Haarlem) and Brooklyn (Breukelen).

Maybe it was found-diddley-ounded by Ned?


You could make those calls over the Internet. I hear good things about the serivce from iConnecthere.com. Try that.

And Jasper was my grandfather’s name. He, however, was not a big handsome sonofabitch.

Hey, Scylla. And everybody else, frankly.

You need to have a look at Jasper’s home page.

He lays his whole life out there for you.

As a bonus, he has a picture of Heloise on there.


UncleBeer, you need to be bitch-slapped for that joke.

Exgineer, you need to be bitch-slapped for barking at my girl, dammit.

How’d he get a girl like that driving a Peugeot?

I dunno, must be because he’s tall.

All Dutch people are really friggin" tall. Why is that?

My original hypothesis involved selective breeding for korfball players, but that seems unlikely.

And Heloise is so hot she gets another one of these:


I thought that link was going to be to Jasper’s Home Page.

Show’s what I know, eh?