ID a Sci-Fi/Fantasy book

Ok…so after the recent success I had on here with identifying an obscure movie from my past, here goes with a book.

Science fiction/fantasy trilogy, was in print in the mid to late 1990’s.
Author was towards the end of the alphabet…probably p-z, but I can’t say for sure.
Covers were all one color, with a circle in the middle. One of the covers was green, one was pink, and I think the other was purple. Not sure about the purple one. They were more pastel colors, rather than darker ones.
The circle was a design of some kind.

Could you tell us what the story was, what the trilogy was about? Where was it set? What was the plot? What kind of SF was it?

You’re asking us to identify books purely on the basis of their covers, and vaguely-described covers at that.

FWIW, this doesn’t ring a bell with me so far.

I assume you don’t mean the Hunger Games books

Was it Hugh Cook? I know his name is not at the arse end of the alphabet, but all his book titles began with a pair of 'W’s.

I looked his works up on the Internet Speculative Data Base. You can navigate to pictures of the covers. They don’t appear to match the OP’s description. The covers aren’t all one color, and the title is sometimes in an oval, but not in the middle

Oh. I thought it was the circle that had the colour. My mistake.

That sounds very much like the Wizard’s Spell Compendium, a set of 4 books, not 3, which were not novels, but a RPG supplement for Dungeons & Dragons.

Was it the Apprentice Adept series by Piers Anthony?

Kind of a long shot, but could it have been Ben Bova?

Not the end of the alphabet, and a square instead of a circle, but your description reminded me of his covers just the same.

Don’t judge.

…lest ye be judged.
I never understood that saying. It’s not as if you’re striking a bargain, and other people won’t judge you if you agree not to judge them. You’re simply abdicating your right to judge, and the other people are free to judge you or not. And they probably will.

I’m guessing this isn’t it, but these Lord of the Rings covers come pretty close to your description.

Without any other description of the story, I have to assume that the OP stashed some cash between the pages of one of the volumes and then forgot which book the cash was in.

Let it go, dude. It’s gone.

I’m not religious, but I think this comes from the idea of final judgment after death, and that you will be judged more harshly by God if you have been judgmental in life.

That’s because you’re only quoting 1/3d of the actual verse. In context it makes sense

In other words, if you’re judging someone, you better not be a hypocrite about it, 'cause you’ll be judged by the same standard. The quote doesn’t say judging someone is good or bad, it’s just saying that you better practice what you preach.

Also, it implies in part 3 that the Niven/Pournelle book about the asymmetrical aliens is really good.

The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix?

The Immortal Eyes Trilogy by Jackie Cassada.

I found it on Amazon…Thanks all.


How did no one figure that out from the description in the OP?


