I tried to get her away from it, but when I grabbed my cat to pull her away, she ate it. It was about an inch long, with a thick, larvae type body. mostly white, but a yellowish-brownish tinge. It reminded me of some grubs I find in the lawn in the summer. It had long antennae and a longish, pointy thing sticking out from its back end - like a tail, but I don’t think it was a tail. No wings that I could see, but my cat had been gnawing on it before I saw it. I live in Northern Wisconsin, most bugs are dead now but some get indoors.
And…I think it might have had legs, too. I was describing it to my BF who was in the shower, and I recall some legs. I wish I would have grabbed my camera and gotten a picture, but I didn’t want it to get away. I also didn’t want my cat to eat it, now I’m worried she’ll get sick.
I’m guessing an ichneumon fly. Adult, but as you say either the cat had eaten the wings or the cat spit has stuck them down.
These things come in huige variety of sizes, shapes and colours.
I googled the ichneumon fly, but the ones I saw on Google had waspy-ish waists. My bug had a thick body. I know I’ve seen something like this before, but not indoors. My cat appers to have no ill effects, but now I’m worried I’ll find more of these nightmarish creatures indoors.
Not if your cat finds them first.