ID another short SF story

Why is it only short SF stories we forget?

I think but I’m not too sure that it’s something written by Isaac Asimov or Arthur C Clarke, but as ever my Google-fu is weak.

The plot is about humans landing on a planet where a previous expedition found a force of some sort governed life on the planet. There are no carnivores IIRC, just a balance of plants and herbivores. Animals brought by the first expedition and then female crew members fall pregnant.

The conclusion of the story has the second expedition returning home, with a stowaway creature from the planet intending to infiltrate Earth and convert it. It mimics a section of electrical cabling and is vaporised when the door to the ship opens

Asimov’s “Green Patches” (aka “Misbegotten Missionary”).

Thanks, that’s the one.

The article mentions the story’s similarities with “Who Goes There?”, funnily enough it was a workmate who reminded me of it with a story based on Carpenter’s “The Thing”.