I'd rather write than type. Options?

I can type, and I can use Dragon Naturally Speaking, but really, I like to write things out by hand far better than either option (mostly due to focus issues… paper is less distracting since it doesn’t have internet access). My printing is very easy to read, so I’m not worried all that much about the ability of piece of electronics to decipher my writing.

What sort of magical devices would help me achieve this end? Up to say $200.

I’m already aware of:

SolidTek’s DigiMemo Digital Notepad - I’m leaning towards this, but the reviews are less than optimistic, and it looks like it hasn’t been updated in 7 years. I like the use any paper/any pen factor.

Livescribe pens - Good reviews, but I don’t like the fact that you’re limited to using their proprietary paper (except something about using a laser printer to print out paper, which is moot since I have an ink jet.) I have an entire shelf full of binders with things I’ve written out by hand, so I go through a lot of paper even though my writing is small.

What else is out there? Anything better?

What operating system do you have?

Windows 7 will let you write using a graphics tablet. It doesn’t work real well for me, but I have terrible handwriting.

If you just want to not get distracted by the internet, install Leechblock or something like it and tell it to block the internet for an hour or whatever.

This makes me feel old, that paper is the only thing you can think of that doesn’t have internet access.

Well, I suppose I could find a rock and chisel to write with, or maybe see if I’m still any good with a wood burning pen, but those don’t translate very well into writing anything of length.

I think he was referring to pre-internet computers. There are still electronic typewriter-like machines available. The ones I know about are NEO word processors. I haven’t used one.

Well it just goes to show that everyone has their total opposite somewhere in the world. I can’t even read my own handwriting, no matter how careful I am with it. I frequently write the letters out of order when handwriting. I can type 100+wpm, almost as fast as I can talk, and without looking. I wish I could have a keyboard implanted on my body somewhere so I’d never have to handwrite again.