ID this HS jock/wimp movie?

I have this distinct (or perhaps faulty) memory of a movie in which a wimpy, nerdy, accelerated high school boy likes a girl far out of his league. She likes the football jock. While the wimp is generally disliked, the jock likes him. The wimp, in order to prove himself worthy, joins the football team. His hopes, dreams, and bones are crushed. The jock finally suggests that the wimp join the rowing team instead, where he excels.

For years I thought this movie was Lucas, starring Cory Haim, Kerri Green, and Charlie Sheen. But having recently watched it, I realized that the whole rowing thing was not part of the plot. What movie am I thinking of that had the rowing?

Oxford Blues, perhaps?

Hmm, I doubt it. I’ve never seen it, it didn’t take place in England, and I don’t think Rob Lowe was in it.

The lead character was the wimp. That ain’t Rob Lowe.

It was Lucas. Very funny movie, BTW.

Okay, so I’m an idiot. Sorry about that.

No more of an idiot than me. I think the two movies have very simialr plots. Or I’m conflating two movies.

Yes, but you also asked about movies that featured rowing, which is why I suggested Oxford Blues. And actually The Skulls also featured rowing, although that’s also a college film.

Fair enough, but what I wanted was a specific movie. In this one, the jock suggests that the wimp get on the crew, as the guy who yells “stroke!” into the megaphone, rather than as a rower himself. He does, and garners a little more respect from the jocks by doing so.

I know you don’t believe that it took place in England, but I’ll throw this mostly forgotten movie out there…there was a Family Ties tv-movie where Alex goes off to Oxford. Looks like t was Family Ties Vacation. I seem to remember it included Alex participating in both rugby & rowing. And perhaps it included him falling in love too. Unfortunately, there isn’t much information about it on the interweb. All I’ve got is my faded memory…

The guy who yells “stroke” is the cox.

I remember a movie almost exactly as the OP describes, but it was a cheesy B-flick, on the same level as Up the Academy.

Was it possibly the made-for-TV movie An Innocent Love?