ID this picture (and how it relates to Mozart)

I’m working on a puzzle where you are given a bunch of pictures and you’re supposed to find the Mozart opus number that it relates to in some way (example: a picture of Willem Dafoe is Opus k.25 - 7 Variations for Piano on “Willem van Nassau”).

This opus is a combination of two pictures… Links below.

The 2nd picture is pretty straightforward picture of a scale. The 1st pic is more confusing to me. It appears to be a bunch of French bishops at some sort of ceremony…wedding perhaps?

Any ideas?

The first image is the coronation of Louis VIII of France:

Coronation Mass?

Probably goes with his piano concerto #26, “Coronation”.

I bet Coronation Mass is correct (k.317)… Thanks!

Where does the scale fit in?

Mass----as in the amount of matter, sometimes associated with weight.

Sorry, I misread the OP and was looking for two separate pieces. One to fit each picture. Yes, the Coronation Mass is the obvious choice.