Identify old 70's game?

Hey folks,
While going through some old photos, I came across one of my brother and I playing one of our our games. My Google Fu is weak on this one but it was akin to Connect Four.
The vertical frame was red and yellow and it has alternating black and white balls on vertical rods that you propelled upward using springs at the bottom to transfer momentum through the stack. It took some finesse but you could place balls in different positions depending on how far you pulled back (down)

Anyone else have this or remember it’s name? I’m half set on tracking one down for the cottage!

There are a number of variations on Connect Four that involve launching or throwing the balls, but none match your description in detail.

Yeah, I had no problem finding those ones. FYI, it’s not Connect 4 but a similar game.

Oh, what the hell was that game. My friend had it. Now I’m going to go off and look.

Is this it?

Or is this it?

Score Four was just three dimensional Connect Four.

How about this one?

Yep, that’s it!

Thank you! It was driving me nuts trying to remember it. Now I gotta find a vintage one for sale!

Great! Hope you find it. When I did my search, I think I saw a link on ebay for it but I didn’t go look to see if it was still available.