There is this one book I read a while ago, and the life of me I cannot remember who wrote it or the title. All I remember is that it is set in the future, and pretty much everything is run by the government. A bunch of people about the same age decide to live in a warehouse, and somehow become part of a project to get sent to another world to restart civilization. They are preapred by robot probes which showed them the area, but they do not realize it is another planet and do not know that they will be sent there. They wake up on the planet, inside and “egg” paceship, and they try to restart civilization, and meet another group of people at the end who had the same thing happen to them. Does anybody recognize this book?
Yes I do! Woohoo!
Except the name totally escapes me for the moment… ummmm…
Damn. I can picture the cover, where I was when I read it, the fact that it was a book that hung round my house for years unread until I finally got around to it…
I’ll remember the title in the middle of the night one day, I’m sure.
Durn thang.
Okay, here’s the name that struck me in the middle of the night, as predicted. However, the net does not yet confirm my thoughts so it may be wrong:
The Journeyman Project
REALLY rings a bell. heinlein, maybe, or asimov. one of those ‘for kids’ sci fi’s?