Please help me identify this house plant. Thanks
Looks like something in the Araceae…probably Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema).
I agree with jayjay.
I will also add that it’s not getting nearly enough light. It’s extremely elongated and pale. You need brighter lights.
I agree that it is not getting enough light. It could be an Aglaonema, but it looks a bit more like a Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) to me.
Its a diffenbachia, aka dumbcane or mother-in-law plant, as sap can 'paralyze tongue/oral area if tasted, iirc. A closer pic would make it 100% certain, or OP looking at pics of diffs themselves, of course.
I was thinking a Diffenbachia as well.
Aglaonema actually thrives in low-light situations; Diffenbachia (which the stem appearance suggests) needs brighter surroundings.
Thanks so much to all of you who responded. This was given to me about 2 months ago…I repotted it and will most definitely move it to a brighter spot in the house now that I know what it is