Idle Thoughts

Here’s wishing you a a nice retirement, and hope you enjoy being just an everyday poster again.

I figured I’d start a thread since Ed’s is locked, and it looks like posters are flooding you with PMs to the point where I tried to send one and got a message that your inbox was full, and no more messages could get through. I figured I wasn’t the only one.

Best wishes, Idle!

Cheers, IT!!

My PM got rejected, too.
Now you’ll have more time to listen to good classic rock! Can’t wait to hear what you think of Jethro Tull!

Best wishes!


Best wishes **Idle Thoughts **!

First, President Mugabe is put under house arrest. Then Idle Thoughts “retires” as an SDMB moderator. Coincidence? I think not.

Best wishes! Thank you for your hard work on behalf of this community.

It’s not so much that, as that he’s retired while visiting Saudi Arabia, that has me worried.

We certainly wish him the best.

He’s started a goodbye thread in MPSIMS. He is no longer going to post here.

Moderator Action

In that case, I am going to close this thread and direct all further comments to the MPSIMS thread.

Best wishes, Idle Thoughts.