If another nuclear bomb is ever exploded on a city, what is the most likely scenario?

“Force Israel to act”? So ya mean, that Stuxnet Virus Attack and the ongoing assassinations of nuclear scientists are simply business as usual?

Do you have a cite for those Acts? Not doubting your words, it’s just that I’ve never heard of such a thing and don’t know how to search for it.

A side question here.

Aren’t nuclear weapons quite difficult to detonate ? Would a terrorists group be able to pull that off with a stolen weapon ?

Personally I would think a nuclear event in a major city would have to be a state sponsored event.

Yes, the detonation business is extremely complicated.

Alas, that problem has been solved so many times, the details are damn near publicly available.

Also…a sub-critical detonation would serve most of the purposes as a full explosion, as far as terrorists are concerned. If a ten-block area of Manhattan became dangerously radioactive, and a thousand people could be expected to die over the course of years (and another ten thousand expected to suffer health problems) then the terrorist group could very well be content in having struck a damaging blow.

So…damned if it goes bang, and damned if it goes sizzle.

No nuclear weapon has ever “accidentally” exploded. At least, none that have ever been made public…and how could anything like that be covered up???

However, in 1961, a B-52 carrying two Mark 39 nuclear bombs (yield = 3.8mt) crashed in Goldsboro, N.C. – on one of the bombs, five of six safeties failed, which means we came extremely close to having an Unrequested Operation Plowshare incident. :eek:

If Iran develops and deploys an arsenal of nuclear weapons, I think Israel will have no choice but to act pre-emptively and reduce Iran to rubble (such intensity would be necessary because such a deployment would be “hardened”).

This would of course be a disaster for mankind in many ways.

Does Israel believe Pakistan is beholden to it? Pakistan is extremely hostile to Israel, and had a nuclear Walmart to boot. If push comes to shove, Pakistani nukes are what will threaten Israel, not Iran’s.