If getting a crew of people together to try and free a beached whale a waste of time or not?

If you free a beached whale does it usually live or die? I can’t recall that I’ve ever heard of a beached whale surviving.

In googling this invention proposal was an interesting link. I’m guessing, however, it would hurt the whale prety badly just based on the whale’s mass and dragging it around.

Saving beached whales

Blowing them up is freeing them, in a way.

You are the Dr. Kevorkian of cetaceans.

Please forgive me for a hijack to mention an outstanding movie that reduces me, even on subsequent viewings, literally to tears of emotion.

In the film, the Maori tribespeople could not save the beached whales but the young girl Paikea, named after the legendary Whale Rider who brought his tribe to New Zealand, succeeded.

I don’t think this movie can be captured in a few scenes, but in one scene, Paikea, on-stage, is barely able to perform a tribute to her grandfather, who, distracted by the beached whales he’s just discovered, didn’t show up.

That clip is 41 years old and it still delivers.