If I can only see out of one eye, will the 3-D movie "Avatar" look weird to me?

Absolutely. In fact I would say that a one eyed person still has 3-D vision in most circumstances. Although regular two eyed people get some depth information from the disparity between the images in their two eyes, they also get a LOT of depth information from parallax. In real life, we are always moving about, moving our heads and our eyes, and when we do that, nearby things seem to move relative to the background more than things further away. Unconsciously we pick up on that. We all use it to judge depth, and it is probably more important, in real world vision, than binocular disparity.

3-D movies, however, rely entirely on binocular disparity to get their 3-D effect. This means that a truly one eyed person cannot possibly see the effect, but it also means that even for the two eyed, it can never really look quite natural, because it is missing the parallax effects you should be seeing every time you move your head a little. Unless and until they figure out how to do holographic movies, the 3-D will never look quite right.

When I was a kid, I had a stereoscope toy. It looked like a pair of binoculars and you used it to view two still photographs taken by two cameras next to one another. One of the photos was shown to one eye and one to another to mimic binocular disparity and give a 3D effect, just as in 3D movies. It worked, but it did not look natural to me even then. Yes, some thing looked nearer than others, but I always thought the nearer objects looked like flat cardboard cut-outs rather than the real 3D objects that they actually were.

Yes, that is probably right. My right eye vision is not nearly as good as my left (although I am nowhere near being blind on the right), but I still experience the 3D movie effect quite clearly, to the extent that I have flinched at things coming out of the screen at me. It still does not look natural, though, and I find it distracting. It is much easier to lose myself in the story of a regular 2D movie (but perhaps that is just because I am more used to them).