If I find a pair of lab balances in a teenager's room...

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If you don’t return, we’ll assume he whacked you while typing.

1 - He’s not my kid, he’s my nephew. We don’t have a cozy relationship. I’ve called the cops on him many times. I don’t give a crap about him. He’s blown any chances he had with me.

2 - He’s been into drugs; he was in drug rehab for almost a year; he’s distributed for dealers in the past. He took my mom’s car without permission to make his “rounds”.

3 - If I had a way of contacting him at this moment, I would tell him he can
a) come get all his stuff out of the house, or
b) let me take the stuff to get tested.

4 - I may just call the cops anyway.

Well, that sure changes things.

I think if he’s staying there, he ought not to turn the place into a drug storehouse and put his family in danger. But that’s just me.

Well, in light of this past information, I’d say, yeah, you got yourself an honest to goodness, real life drug dealer. Then again, in light of this past information, I think this was obvious long before you discovered the balance beam.

Jeez CHTT you couldn’t have put that information in the OP? This is an opinion forum, not a guessing game. You set us up and then waited for 40-odd replies before giving us the punch line. I’m not impressed.

This thread makes me want to get high.

From your description of the substance, it sounds to me like ‘blunt residue’ - that is, the tobacco and extra leaf wrapper from a cigar or cigarillo - which is left over after rolling a blunt. See the third pic on this page

My best guess is he was rolling a blunt, and left the trash behind in his stash area, probably to use the remainder of the cylindrical wrapper for a second blunt. the tobacco is often mixed into the blunt as well to mellow the taste, hence the reluctance to throw it away.

As for the scale - most dealers use digital, it’s more accurate. But a kid who came across a balance and was already smoking some grass would most likely be very tempted to put it to use, both for verifying weight and for buying slightly bigger bags to break out for friends. Particularly if they were of an entrepreneurial bent, or needed to bring in enough cash to cover their own smoking needs. It’s still dealing, to be sure, but not likely that they’re founding a criminal empire.

But I’d wager the (possible) dealing came after the scales, not the other way around. If you were going to start dealing, you’d buy a digital one for $25, not a less accurate, less concealable one for $200.

If it’s Marijuana, don’t freak out. It technically isn’t a drug. It’s no harm to anyone, and it’s idiocy that it’s illegal. If you want him out of the house that’s up to you, but do humanity a favor and leave the cops out of this. He is no harm to anyone selling this stuff. I worked in a rehab clinic for a year. Two of the things I’ve learned there is: Alcohol is more dangerous than Heroin if abused, and Marijuana is not a drug. This is not an exaggeration.
Of course you should confront him, I just wanted to make it clear that while what he is presumably doing is illegal, it is in my opinion less immoral than selling alcohol. I’m being serious.


I’ve practiced medicine for over 25 years now, & 70% of my patients have a drug and alcohol abuse history. Therefore I think I bring actual credibility to the argument by saying:

  1. Marijuana is a drug. Just like that other notorious drug called aspirin, it can cause debility and even death when used improperly.
  2. Marijuana sure is illegal, and that fact can cause people significant problems which cannot be ignored.
  3. If heroin were as widely available as alcohol, it would be more dangerous than alcohol. It’s easier to OD to death on heroin than it is on alcohol.

Gee, oskar669, given that the consequences of the drug laws could be quite harsh for others, not just the kid involved, this advice seems stupid.

We have to deal with the law as it exists, not as we would like it to be.

Also, I don’t know how “harmless” pot actually is - I’ve known lots of people who abused the hell out of it, and what they were doing was actually self-medicating for various psychological problems. When they got treatment, they didn’t need pot anymore - but in the meantime they pretty much wrecked their life.

Recreational pot is what it is, but dealing also is what it is, and abuse is what it is. You can’t wish any of this away. You have to deal with it.

How is marijuana not “technically” a drug? Are you saying that it’s not dangerous?

Something doesn’t become a drug because it’s risky/dangerous.

I’m not going to ever suggest that marijuana is benign, but I’ve heard, time and time again, that nobody has ever died smoking pot (I exclude the potential long term negative health effects from ingesting smoke of any kind into the lungs). How does it cause death when “used improperly”?

ETA: The idea that pot isn’t a drug sounds ludicrous to me. I’d be really interested to know what we define as “drug” such that pot doesn’t make the cut.

Death? I thought the toxic level of Marijuana was ridiculously high.

It is.

I’m talking about being impaired while driving, and other foolish choices made while impaired.

The point is, the drug has significant physiologic effects which need to be respected. Saying it’s not a drug leads to minimizing the idea that one’s mind works differently while under the influence.

Note that he said when used improperly, perhaps he meant when Marijuana is used as a substitute for a parachute or something else mildly humorous.

In my EMT days I probably saw a couple dozen people who got dead/crippled doing something stupid while high on pot. Granted, the pot didn’t kill them, the two story fall did, but your balance is a hell of a lot better sober.

Unless he’s getting high off his own supply.
I’ve known a bunch of drug dealers in my youth. They all had an LCD screen type of balance.

So is your judgment - sober people don’t usually go onto rooftops for fun.

I’m from austria. Here marijuana is widely accepted. At almost every party someone smokes it, people smoke it on the street, and while it is not illegal to have it, it is of no consequence up to a certain amount. I have friends who abused it, and they got away from it rather easily. I have a friend who did heroine and got away from it.
@ The before doctor. While you might overdose on heroine, your body will take less harm from it than from alcohol over a longer period of time. I have seen what alcohol can do to human bodies and it’s disgusting to say the least. I’m just saying. You can’t demonize marijuana, and on the other hand say that alcohol is ok. That’s hipocracy of the highest order.
About the driving… this is funny, because AFIK the only study they did showed that people drover safer under the influence of marijuana (slower, less agressive). I’m still not promoting it. I don’t smoke pod or drink alcohol.